V's final weight loss journey to find her slimmer happy self.......

Thank you all for well wishes.
I think am dying! I feel so rough! I couldn't start yesterday, think am gonna wait till am better which am so gutted about. Been to doc again today as i couldnt breath, and he is treating me for pneumonia and changed anti biotics, as I refused to go to hospital. This is the third time, I've ended up with pneumonia, and he said that my immune system is very low and me working in a hospital environment doesn't help at all :-:)-:)-(
Am trying to be sensible food wise, but impossible as at minute all I can eat drink is hot chocolate and Heinz soups. Got signed off work as well this week. So it's another duvet day / week.
And am fed up. I just want to get on with this diet, every time my head is in right place, something happens and I har to stop! I want to wear that bloody dress at Christmas!

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Thank you all for well wishes, am still so bloody rough, think am dying!
Went to dic this mornin, had a very rough night as couldn't sleep due to not bring able to breath properly. And he is treating me for pneumonia, had a blast of nebulizer there and got new antibiotics. This is the third time I got it, he says as I suffer from low immunity, I catch everything! And it doesn't help me working in a hospital environment! Been signed off work this week. So it's Duvet days for me again!
Am so fed up as everytime my head is focused, something like this happens and I have to stop. I do want to get in that bloody dress for Christmas!
The only thing I can Wat and drink is Heinz soups and hot chocolate!

Oh and I forgot to add that I lost 4 lbs this week, considering I've been off diet!

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v12345 said:
Thank you all for well wishes, am still so bloody rough, think am dying!
Went to dic this mornin, had a very rough night as couldn't sleep due to not bring able to breath properly. And he is treating me for pneumonia, had a blast of nebulizer there and got new antibiotics. This is the third time I got it, he says as I suffer from low immunity, I catch everything! And it doesn't help me working in a hospital environment! Been signed off work this week. So it's Duvet days for me again!
Am so fed up as everytime my head is focused, something like this happens and I have to stop. I do want to get in that bloody dress for Christmas!
The only thing I can Wat and drink is Heinz soups and hot chocolate!

Oh and I forgot to add that I lost 4 lbs this week, considering I've been off diet!

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Ooh poor you! Hope the meds kick in soon, you need to do a holistic boost your immunity to knock it all on the head v as you sound as though you could be getting everything from your work environment at the moment!

Enjoy your duvet time, get well soon..


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Hey chick..... how you feeling??? X

hi hun, am wheezing like a 120 year old asthmatic and cant even walk upstairs without having an asthma attack. i have been resigned downstairs since yestersday, doc says i've got fluid in my lungs, so on high dose of steroids and home nebs and antibiotics.....
my face is all puffy :':)'(
am feeling so sorry for myself at minute, its unreal. its a big write off this week.....
Sounds awful hunny, rest up and tale your meds. When my hub had pnemonia took a long time to get 100% so take good care of yourself

Let your lungs and body recover xxx
Awwww babes that's awfull.... just get yourself well..... Dont beat yourself up.... know its easy for me to say..... get plenty of fruit and veg in you.... and dont forget your water!!!! And REST!!!!

Keep at it sweeie.... any gain will be water so dont worry!!!

Hugs to you!!!
Take care V and get well soon, it sounds awful! Hugs

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Am feeling bit better now, still on steroids and anti biotics. I feel so so bloated and feel like I've put weight on :(:(
Can't wait to start back now, looking at starting from Monday! Wish I could start sooner but I want to be 100% better!
I think am gonna have to change my Christmas goal as I don't think I'll be able to lose 4 stones by then! So so gutted!

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Babe... Dont look at what you can't do.... look at what you can..... would 3 and 3 quarter stones really be that bad.... or 3 and a half stones!!!

Just get well and get back on.... you'll do great!!! Now rest up you hear!!!

Any weight gain will be water and drop off again babes!!! X
Agreed you can do a huge amount by Xmas hunny

Get better first and then get to it

RebekahR said:
Agreed you can do a huge amount by Xmas hunny

Get better first and then get to it


I agree, get well first, you may be surprised after all that that you are doing ok..
You can still do great things between now and Christmas!

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Thank you so much ladies, I feel much better today! Only a few days of meds left! Yippee!
I have got about 14 weeks left and ican easily lose about 3 1/2 stones by Christmas!
I'll be more than happy with that, as I cant lose the 4 I wanted.
But blooming TOM is looming! I can feel the pains and the bloatedness! It's damned this TOM!

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Thank you so much ladies, I feel much better today! Only a few days of meds left! Yippee!
I have got about 14 weeks left and ican easily lose about 3 1/2 stones by Christmas!
I'll be more than happy with that, as I cant lose the 4 I wanted.
But blooming TOM is looming! I can feel the pains and the bloatedness! It's damned this TOM!

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That's the spirit!!!! : )

Glad you're feeling a bit brighter!!!

As far as am under 11 stone for this Christmas, even of it means I'll be 10 stones 13.5lbs, I'll be more than happy!
So 14 weeks to lose as much as I can! Come on V, you can do it!
I've changed my Christmas goal. So little steps at a time.
So countdown to 100 days begins from tomorrow, to lose 3.5 stones! Yikes! Am not going to weigh in till end of September now!!!

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You can do it hun, go for it

I'm gonna strict it up myself, no idea when my op is so need to shed as much as I can.

Stock up and get in the zone, you will be in that 10 range for Xmas

The countdown to 14 weeks begin from today! No stopping me now! Even though it's the un-welcomed TOM. I started yesterday :-:)-(
Wish me luck peeps.

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You can do it hun :) we are behind you

Get the veg and zero at the ready :)

Day 1 done.
Had summer fruit shake
Caffe latte shake
Chocolate Truffa bar
some cheese triangles
Asda diet cream soda.

Eagerly waiting for lovely ketosis and TOM to bugger off.
98 days to go!

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