Wales Daily Diary...

Hope you get the reason for the pain sorted Wales. Doesn't sound too good. Keep on keeping on :) And planning is always good. When I was in OA, my sponsor told me fail to plan = plan to fail. So so true. Fortunately my OCD nature means planning is something I enjoy doing, it's the doing I'm not always so good at :)
Thanks Laura. I start to plan but then get excited and want to get going to speed off, get halfway though run out of plan and wing it - oops, that's when things get sticky and I get into trouble.

Reading that back - it is exactly the same for work as for food.

Must try harder at planning!!!
Hey Wales, great weekend planned for you. I went to Whitby when I was a little girl and liked it. This year I would love to go back and explore the area again, well that's the plan anyway.

Sorry about your backache, from what you say it's more than likely the change of seats and working positions. Is what you do this 'hot desking?' - a horrible idea I think and hopefully a short lived one. A friend of mine's employer ( the government!) spent more than £ 1,000 per chair on ergonomic chairs adjusted to each individual employee so there must be a reason to stay in the same chair and desk I feel. Hope it clears soon though. When's the ballet? Have a great weekend Sweetie xxx. :hug99:
Back pain is much better today. Bess, it is some sort of hot desking, there aren't enough desks for the project I am on so sitting where I can, it is soul destroying as I can't work effectively.

I grew up in Whitby, ages 4-6 and then again from 11 until I left school so still have friends there. It seemed like the worse place in the world to be a teenager but looking back it was idyllic really.

Not even going to mention food as I had a run in with the vending machine today. But just treating it like I was that there normal. And will adjust accordingly over the weekend.

Hope everyone has a great weekend, fingers crossed the weather might stay ok. It was lovely coming home in sunshine again tonight.

Those vending machines are horrible, they just spit out chocolate and crisps as you pass I think! :)
Lovely little trip away. Saw cousin and her little girl who I haven't see for about a year and a half. Then over to the coast. Had a lovely evening, plenty of drinking and dancing and general merriment. Feeling it today, but worth it for the fun that was had. I feel very lucky to have a bunch of friends that I have know since I was very young. They keep me very entertained and feeling loved. Ahhh gushy.

Three of us were having a conversation about how much we weighed as we have all lost weight recently. The lowest BMI was 27.5 then a 28 and then my 29. I can honestly say that I don't think either of them are overweight. And we each under guessed each others weight by about a stone - interesting! Just reinforces that BMI is so one dimensional.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. Am going to catch up on diaries after dinner xxx
Did you have a good weekend with your family Wales? I hope it was lovely weather in Whitby too. Is the kipper man still there? I remember a small building with garage doors....The embers of the fire we lit to burn the brash from tree felling are still glowing....been out poking the last of the bits into it and just watching .....found some snowdrops I didn't know about in the orchard and a very shiny stone under the fence, it's been polished by the badger's fur as he squeezes underneath each night.
I'd cleaned the hens out today, a real thorough job, when I went to shut them up I found an egg in the new nest box. Hens lay in the mornings, usually, so I think it was a thankyou!

Hope your back is better now too. xx
Wales and Bess, two little stories that have made me feel very happy and smiley... one about enduring friendships and one about the magic of the country and a stone polished by a badger... sigh. Sounds like both of you are having a fab weekend. Big hugs.

I love the badger and his shiny stone!!!
Glad you had a good weekend away, sounds like you have some really special friends.....
So special my friends that they have sent through pics of me dancing like a maniac and then sprawled on the floor at the end of the night. So that is where the bruise on my knee came from!

Hope everyone had a great Monday. I am so glad I am finally home, it is dark and cold and rainy here. Nice hot bath and an early night for me I think.
Lol Wales... agree, we want the pics! Dancing burns cals... so... it was your daily exercise, right?

Hi Wales, how's the bruised knees? Very quiet around here lately! xx
Hey Wales, just ready your last post - hot bath, early night - makes me want one! Hope you're well x
Am so so so tired today. Last night after I got in from the ahem *carvery* felt really chilled and couldn't get warm. Went to bed in lots of layers but had a sore throat that wouldn't quench with water. Came on so quick. Was up at 1.30 to get a lemsip, but OH was also struggling to sleep and I don't think either of us dropped off until the very wee small hours.

Anyhoo, clinic apt today (and I wonder why I didn't sleep well!) and it went extremely well and we start treatment on my next day 1 which is in about a week :D

We signed a few more forms, was shown how to give myself my first injection, and had blood work taken. And the next stage is down to me and whenever my period starts - yay!

Even though I am so tired I have an acupunture apt at 8.30 tonight to plan my acu treatment to support the ivf. I can't believe all of a sudden it has come round so quick, and there is finally a point to all the folic acid I have pumped myself full of for the past however many years!

So, off CD totally. Trying healthy eating, lots of veg and fruit. Keeping off the coffee, and apparently it is recommended that you avoid chocolate when on ivf. So an extra blocker along with lent and it being generally not good for my waistline.

And again at the clinic they didn't weigh me - I can't begin to tell you how good that made me feel - but I am sure you can all appreciate that. To be treated as that holy grail of "normal" feels very strange, but i'll take it!

Blimey, think this time it might really be happening.

Oh how exciting Wales!! I'm so very pleased for you - but no chocolate?! :eek:

Fingers and everything all crossed for you both xxxx.
Big hugs Wales... will be thinking of you. Woooo!

OMG how exciting, everything is starting to happen now.... and no chocolate on IVF is a very good incentive not to eat it.... definately plenty of healthy fruit and veg...