WannabeSkinnyMinnie's Fat to Fab Diary 2013

That weight looks good if it is heavy enough it will do the job. Good luck using it.
Mere x
It is fairly heavy. Its one of the ones you shake. Quite hard to get into the rhythm esp when doing it behind your head. I can see the muscles its going to develop!
Be careful you don't overdo it or you will be really sore tomorrow. :eek:
Mere x
Glad you had a fab night Hun! And chose well as usual!

The nails look gorg :) Great weight idea, Callanetics have great exercises for bingo wings but I Havnt started yet, Really simple too. I used to follow Callanetics when i was a young teen, My mum had the video. Hard to explain but you drop your arms down by your sides, then raise them both up, parallel, behind your back not infront! Once your thumbs touch eachother, move them apart 3 inches and back touching again, quiickly, 100 times. You feel your inner upper arms really feel it, Callanetics is amazing! There are a few rare videos on YouTube xx
Great choice for the meal.

Hope today is a good one for you x
Nails look fab :) how did you manage to do your other hand? I'm so cack handed doing my right with left! Xx
Glad you had a fab night Hun! And chose well as usual!

The nails look gorg :) Great weight idea, Callanetics have great exercises for bingo wings but I Havnt started yet, Really simple too. I used to follow Callanetics when i was a young teen, My mum had the video. Hard to explain but you drop your arms down by your sides, then raise them both up, parallel, behind your back not infront! Once your thumbs touch eachother, move them apart 3 inches and back touching again, quiickly, 100 times. You feel your inner upper arms really feel it, Callanetics is amazing! There are a few rare videos on YouTube xx

Sounded intruiging so have had a look at some videos. Will try some of the exercises- minus the leotards :D:D I will have super toned arms by the end of the year! I actually found the best thing I did to improve arm muscle was working in a pub when I was younger. I guess pulling pints made my muscles really defined! Esp in my lower arm. I'm tensing it now and out of all my muscles- (I don't know if I can really call others muscle :p) it is the most defined. Its weird how I can feel bones now too!

Nails look fab :) how did you manage to do your other hand? I'm so cack handed doing my right with left! Xx

Ha I know what you mean though it wasn't that fiddly and the glue didn't set instantly so I had a bit of time to put the nail into position. Its actually fairly easy- just the acrylic liquid is soo strong!
I'm an awful picker though- I've picked them off already!!! It did hurt a bit but can't stop myself! I'm scratch off all my nail polish too- I'm a nightmare. Think it must be a stress thing because if I don't pick nail varnish- I pick my spots. Luckily nowadays my skin has improved (touchwood-its touch and go) so they arn't many spots to pick! So my nails get it!

So day 11 of TOTM it looks like it's finally slowing down!! I hope it goes soon before weigh in. Its weird as TOTM has made no difference to weight. Since starting my period- nearly 2 weeks ago(!) I've lost 4lb and 3lb! Weighed today as thought if I'm coming to the end I might see a drop but onl a lb off my Fri WI weight. So no major difference!

So I was thinking today- from my biggest weight near the end of last year - September time, I have lost 5 stone! If I aim mentally for my 8stone 5lb goal I will have lost HALF of my entire body weight! 16.5 to 8.5 = 8 STONE!!!!! I kind of want to get to 8.5 so I can officially say I've lost half of me! Can you imagine! I was DOUBLE my ideal weight! I know I'm 3 stone off 8.5 but this diet shows anything is believable! I won't set this as my goal for July- I will stick to 9.6 for that, but by the end of the year I'd love to be in the 8's :) Once I'm in the healthy BMI range, I don't mind how fast/slow it comes off as long as it goes in the right direction!

Crikey though- 8 stone loss- can I do it?!
Good long term goal.
Mere x
Of course you can, you can do whatever you set your mind to. You've proved that with your recent nights out. It may or may not slow down but the end result will be the same? Your doing amazingly well. Xxx
Of course you can, you can do whatever you set your mind to. You've proved that with your recent nights out. It may or may not slow down but the end result will be the same? Your doing amazingly well. Xxx

Ah thanks Carrie- when I first started this diet and people asked what weight do you want to get to I was so embarassed to even mention 9's because I thought people would be like- thats never going to happen. Now I'm considering the 8's and I believe anything is possible! I just think of all the skin though that comes with losing 8 stone lol!
I can imagine myself looking like one of those wrinkly dogs with all the skin! haha!

Your nails look great! You should be chuffed with such a huge, overall loss.

Ahh thanks :) I've picked off the nails now- doh! Though it was only my practise so I'm sure they will be done again!
Yeah it feels amazing to lose the weight but still have a way to go! Just setting mental milestones have helped me along the way :D

Thank for taking the time to comment in my diary, you've done well too :) You're so close to goal from looking at your stats :D
You can do it if you really want... There's a song in that! *breaks in to a little dance*

Go for it! How fab will it be and feel, seriously though you should be very proud of what you've achieved already, and there's no doubt you could do it x
Eeek well I will take it in my stride and see what happens when I get there :)

As long as you ladies don't all disappear off the scene I'll be fine :D

I wish we could all get to goal at the same time- but I'll deffo be here until the end of the year! Can't imagine not going on here even when at goal so perhaps I'll be here forever!
I've got 8 stone in total to lose, I'm not even at the 2 stone mark yet, so I'll be here for quite a long time to come dont worry :)
When I first went from 16st 0.5lbs to 8st 10lbs my skin really wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. There's so many creams and flattering clothing. Xxx
Amazing Hun well done you :)

Il be here forever! This diet for me is 70% my effort 30% forum. It just clicks!

Awesome achievements and awesome staying power. You are doing as brilliant now as you ever were, I hope you feel really proud of yourself! :D xx
Hope you are having a good day.
Hope you've had a fab day Hun :D xx
Glad I can count on you guy sticking around!

I've been so irritable today- thought TOTM was finishing but completely wrong! So tired- perhaps lack of iron from being on so long!

The kids have been at the receiving end of many 'words' today! :mad: