WannabeSkinnyMinnie's Fat to Fab Diary 2013

Massive congratulations on your 4st!!! Amazing!!!! And you do look amazing! Well done chick xxx
Aww thanks guys your comments are much appreciated! My OH could learn a lot from you guys ;) he never compliments me or says anything!

I felt quite relaxed about the night beforehand thinking that I feel more socially accepted now whereas I'd always had the 'I'm not worth talking to' conversation in my head so would stay in the background. When I got around my friends house I did have a 'Ahh I'm short, fat, pale and dumpy' moment as my 2 friends are tall, thin, tanned and gorgeous! You can probably them see in my facebook pics. They both wore crop tops and I could I only dream! I wish I was a little taller as I felt such a midget but perhaps when I'm a healthy weight and will look in proportion I will enjoy being able to call myself petite!

But although I had that flash thought, I didn't let it bother me after that because I am doing something about it and I will look like that one day! Now I can tell them how gorgeous they look without pangs of jealously and not feel rubbish the entire night being the one that is incredibly obese! Normally I'd be psycho insecure with my OH around my friends in tight, skimpy clothes but I didn't!

Thanks again for your comments guys :)
Well in the pictures they dont look any slimmer than you, you all look about the same to me. Obviously not much you can do about the height thing but there's nothing wrong with being petite. I'm much shorter than most of my friends but I dont care. Oh and your teeth look fine to me btw, I remember you'd commented somewhere yesterday about that, you've got a gorgeous smile.
OMG Minnie I am surprised. you are absolutely gorgeous hun and you have a lovely smile. Have a lovely day
Aye :D
A very lovely smile :D
That on its own, will give you height ;)
Ah Jael if only! Their stomachs are like the size of my thigh but I will look like them soon so will keep on going with my TS-ing!

Awh bless you ladies are too kind- it's weird to start seeing my old face back! One of my friends actually said I looked like I did when I was 18! Haha- I think I look older without the chubby baby face! I still don't see the face I'm seeing in pictures in the mirror- there seems to be some disconnection there :S

Anyway, I'm currently drinking a porridge- made it with loads of water and cinnamon as I'm not feeling good at all! Terribly bunged up and watery eyed- maybe hayfever but haven't had it before? I'm annoyed that this is yet another hurdle to jump over recently after 4 week TOTM, infected tooth, dodgy tummy and now this garrrr! It's been a struggle today to drink my water- prob managed 2 litres and had some broccoli- oh and a pepper stick!

I will read your diaries on my phone but won't reply til tomorrow as turning lappytop off now. Feel so weak but wanted to thank you lovely ladies for your replies :D

Happy back to work day tomorrow- 4 day week woop!
I was telling my mum about how bad my hayfever is at the moment and she said she'd heard that it was the highest pollen count ever at the moment (or something like that anyway) so even if you've not been allergic before, it's possible that you're suffering from it now. When I was diagnosed with my food allergies I was told you can be allergic to something all your life but not show symptoms and then something can set it off, even stress can set it off.
Hope you feel better soon Minnie.
Mere x
Minnie...fingers crossed it will pass over night x
Minnie, it just shows how strong your resolve is, staying TS and losing 4stone with all the lurgy and illnesses of the day at your door !!!
I hope you feel better soon :)
Hope you feel better today hun! Resolve of steel xx
Hey guys,

Felt a little better this morning but had a dodgy tummy again :( I hadn't been to the loo since my flush out Thursday and on that Thursday it had been a while since I'd been too so I'm wondering if I have these severe moments when I'm blocked up? Perhaps I should go back to taking the husks.

Anyway, enough toilet talk!

So I spent the day wearing an aged 13 top from Generation New Look! I was hunting for a summery top but all are ridiculously too big! :D So I remembered a suitcase I have filled with old, small clothes of mine and my sisters that she wanted me to sell on ebay. Well, the only top that was summery was the aged 13 one. Looking at it I thought there is no way I'll get my body into that and put it on my holiday pile of small clothes for when I'm nearer goal for my hol. But then I thought, well I could try it and low and behold it fitted! It obviously must be a big aged 13 as don't forget I am still overweight by a long shot but its more the fact I thought there was no way on earth it would fit and it did!

I hope you ladies have been enjoying todays sunshine :) x
That's fantastic :)

My 12 year old daughter wears age 13/14 clothes but I've also taken her shopping in normal shops recently and she wears a size 10 in Dotty P and New Look so age 13/14 is probably the equivalent of that :)
That's a great achievement being able to fit in such a little top...my tiny daughter wears age 12 from generation
I'm deffo not a size 10 or realistically an aged 13 but it felt good wearing it :p Haha! It obvs was a big top but there was no way I could have fitted into it 4 months ago whatever size the label says!

I also tried on a top that I wore on my first date with OH nearly 5 years ago!! I can't believe it fits but it's a good measure to see what size I am compared to what I was in the past. So I now know that I am the size I was when I met OH!
Its great getting into smaller clothes :D

Minnie, I have to take the husks to stop the runs.....
I dont take them all the time, but if I dont take them fairly regular, its not pleasant :eek:
So pleased you had that moment with the age13 top hun! And I think you see yourself much bigger than you are! You do look great hun try to remember you are on the verge of 10s not 20s hehe :D

Hope you find a solution for the tummy troubles, I Havnt had any experience to help on that. I do go days with no visit but that's about it, Normal otherwise.

How lovely that you fitted into that special top from your first date, An achievement in itself there :) When I have trouble accepting my size now, I browse My Body Gallery :) You enter your weight and heights ect, and hundreds of women's photos with that body shape come up so you can get an idea of your size! It's really hard sometimes looking in the mirror and seeing what everyone else sees, so odd!

Have a fab day Hun! xx
Ha ha yeah I think I must do- some days I look at myself and see no weight loss :( Then other days I can feel really good!

Very excitingly I got home today at 6pm and weighed!! Naughty I know as I know it's normally up at this time but..........I was 10stone 13!!! Less than the morning! I'd had 1 pack and water during the day so I am hopeful for this week's WI!

Not officially saying I'm 10stone 13 unless I am on WI as knowing my luck I won't be! But so happy to see the 10's anyway!

Still had my tummy problems today and had an inspection at school- the two don't go hand in hand as having inspectors in affect my tummy anyway! Ooh that's interesting Marge- I should probably take them though have been fairly regular up to now.

Will catch up with you lovely lot after I've looked over tomorrows planning :) xxx