Wanting to restart CD but also want to do loads of exercise..


Full Member
I'm on my 5th week of a 2 week CD break..! :L I really want to start back on SS but rejoined my gym on Monday for 3 months.

I am really loving the gym and I work really hard at it. (Today I worked so hard I was exhausted afterwards and ended up eating a big lunch and 2 normal dinners..!). 5 or 6 of my friends joined to so I usually go wit 2 or 3 of them so I have to work hard..! :p

Would I be able to exercise at this extent on SS? and does anyone have any other suggestions..?

(Apologies for my spelling..!)
it really depends on what you do and at what intensity. i used to run on ss and got to about 5 miles when i decided that i needed to move up. this time round i did all sorts of classes and i was running etc on ss, check out my diary. i think that at the end of the day you need to be sensible. i always go by my polar watch and heart rate monitor or my sat nav for cals and heart rate.

sometimes if you are really working hard then you need to be on a higher plan but if you go higher than 810 you won't be in ketosis and you'll be extra hungry.

start of on ss and see how you are. remember to drink the water when you workout as it also helps with feeling ok and not hungry.

try to put in some weights so that you build up muscle as well as working on your cardio.

i'm on the 1000/1200 plan (this depends on how hungry i am and how much exercise i do). today i went for a 4 mile run with my baby in my running buggy and burnt off 500 cals then i went to the gym this afternoon and did an hour on the bike full pelt with sweat dripping off me and burnt 330 cals. so 830cals gone and i ate around the 1200 cal mark give a few cals. each exercise i did running and bike i drank a litre of water doing both. so 2 litres down there.

just listen to your body and be sensible. i would also say that i would get into ketosis before going to the gym as it will make it easier to exercise.
sorry cant help you but good on you for making a great effort at getting fit :)
Hi, me and my housemate are both on SS+ and we have a personal trainer 5 mornings a week at 6.15am. 3 mornings a week we do one hours sort of weights/body pump class with her and 2 mornings we do 1.5 hours boxing (high cardio) with some sqauts, abs work and bits and bobs thrown in and we are both doing well. If we need it the evening we might have a bit of protein such as chaicken or ham but only if we are wiped out and know we have to train again the following morning.

My housemate has lost 2.5 stones in 5 weeks and I have lost just over a stone (I am much smaller than her).

So I would say go for it but listen to your body and have some extra protein if you need it :)