water changes


Full Member
Has anyone changed their water amounts per week and noticed any change with weight?
I often read back on the forum and a woman was explaining how she plans to lessen her water amount in hope for a bigger loss..
does anyone have any info on changes in amounts?
Currently i drink about 4l
I found the weeks were I lost 4lbs I was drinking less than my usual 4.5l

I'm not saying 4lbs is a small loss! As it's huge, but it is the smaller of my losses. Maybe the lady was holding on to her water and knew this. So she was experimenting with lessening it to maybe see if it helped?
Yeah try it and see but don't lessen too much, you need the water to flush the ketones out.

I think you're being too hard on yourself Charl. Be kinder please, and remind yourself of how far you've come.
Yes i agree with Betsy your being extremely hard on yourself. Your body might just be adjusting to your new weight but will start losing more wen its ready. Try out changing your water intake but if you feel like you need more water have it listening to your body is very important.