Water Water everywhere!


Full Member
Just calculated that since 31st Jan when I started LL I have downed 68 Litres of fizzy water :D

and by the time I reach my goal in July it should be 161 Litres....:eek:

thats a lot of bubbles! :D
I recently cleared out my office of about 30 2 litre plastic bottles. I had a big box which i use for my recycling in my office and it was full plus i had another bag full of them. I have now changed to those 5 litre plastic containers and I fill up re-usable bottles from that. I hate tap water and even the filtered stuff isn't the same. Mineral water is my one indulgence!
when we moved my son out of one of his flats he had 'saved' all his 2L coke bottles -think there must have been 50+ dont know why he kept them but it took ages to take them all down to the recycling bin!