Wednesday Weigh In anyone?

Were you given a strong painkiller to take a few hours before you had it done? I was (for the second) so the pain wasn't as bad as the first one I had.
It shouldn't last more than a few hours. It will turn to cramps. Don't suffer it!! Take a couple of painkillers, paracetemol will do the job. Hugs xx
hi everyone weighed in on wednesday night
lost 6 pounds altogether now
nearly half a stone one pound to go woo hoo
Wednesday's my weigh in too- obviously or I wouldn't be posting here lol. I lost 1 this week- hopefully bringing me out of a slight plateau :rolleyes:
Well done you!

You'll be there in no time!

Hi all... Was wondering if I could join you, weighed in on Wednesday and had list 5.5lb, very plsed :0)
Hi and welcome Needtodothis! Well done and good luck!

Jackie xx
Well done lisag! That's awesome! :) well done and welcome needtodothis! X
Hi Guys!

I am back for my night out... I officially have NO WEEKLIES!! lol... I had burgers and slices of pizza and random maltesers etc.. and lots of random booze and drinking games... all in all a very good night...

When I first arrived I only knew a few people but eventually got chatting and felt better... one lad was kinda flirty ....

Anyways... I ashamed to say that in spin the bottle I had to say who was the hottest and I picked the actual hottest (who was miles out of my league and with his girlfriend) this was clearly because I was being honest - she was not impressed I said this but it was hardly like I was trying it on lol... then again in the again another boy was dared to kiss me...awkward situation - outwardly I appear quite confident but immediately felt horrendous - and worried that it was like a punishment for him/he would think I am am disgusting (if that makes sense).. so anyways he was a good sport and tried to kiss me... lets just say it was awkward... grrr...

then the flirty one had to "motorboat me" (I hope that most people don't even know what that means! ...) - great?! how embarrasing - refuse and no fun, agree and awkward... .so generally a bit uncomfortable... and then a friend of mine (albeit she was being honest and not as nasty as it soungs) said that basically he was "desperate" - so despite at times feeling kinda confident re: flirting my friend pointed out that he was trying it on with anyone single...all this rambling is getting to the point that I had a lovely night with friends and generally a good giggle but felt uncomfortable at times and although having giggle with lads in a group dont feel like anyone would wanna touch me with a barge pole.. lol.. not depressing just true haha... can't wait till I feel confident about how I look!

Anyways I sound silly... I am starting the 30 day shred tomorrow! And I aim to earn 20AP tomorrow and sunday and 10AP mon and Tues and will use no weeklies just dailies till WI - hope I still lose!

Hugs to all :) xx
Lololol Carly!!! We love you ~ drunk or sober!! Awkward or confident!! Sounds like you had fun!! That's what it's all about...... xx
Ruth I hope you are feeling better now.

Well done on the losses feels great doesn't it :))))) lots more to come hopefully.

Carly you make me laugh the confidence thing sounds very much like me. Food on night out sounded yummy :))
Hi everyone well I'm back from our hols we'd a fab time the adults as well as the kids had so much fun. Well done everyone on your losses. Right I think I'll have to do week one all over again as I'm feeling every ounce of my 10 lb loss back on. Not going to get on scales. Part of me even thinking I might chicken out in going back, but I'm missing the great feeling of losses so I pray it'll return. Carly you're a scream. How I miss my care free days. And I totally know what you say just imagine the fun you'll have with your new figure!!! They'll have to lock up all the men!!!
Well done Angela you're sure to get The silver 7. And 6 lbs is great in just 2 wks. X
Well done Angela :)) x
Hehe! Thanks guys :)

Well done Angela :) x
Day one of 30 day shred is calling! Hope to report back if I'm not just in a dishevelled heap on the floor! X
my 30 day shred hasn't made it as far as the dvd player yet lol

going for a long walk now with the dog round the reservoir

hope everyone is being good ;) xx
I'm trying to be good!! Had a bounty for breakfast though so think I may need to try a little harder!! But in my defence it had been in the fridge since Wednesday!! Xx
Lol @ Carly & smirnoff!! Good luck with the 30 day shred! Such dedication..... Lol xx

Very impressed it lasted so long Ness!! Well done xx
I tried couple of days of the 30 day shred lol I have now bought a bike :)