Weed 16 in Foundation 3 weeks and struggling


New Member
Looking for help. I've been so motivated since starting LL, but only losing 2lbs a week for last 3 weeks and lots of hair falling out is making me really want to throw it all in! Its such a rubbish loss, could do that on WW or SW, with food! I've never cheated and do my 10000 steps a day - What am I doing wrong? I'm still 1.5 stone away from my goal, which will only just put me to my limit on BMI, so I'm not trying to be really skinny, just a normal size 14 would be fab. Think the loss of my hair is stressing me out to. Plus how on earth am I going to start eating and not put tons of weight on, my body is surviving on 500 cals and still only loosing 2lb. I can't possibly keep going like this to lose another 20lb and 10 further weeks in abstinence, I'll be bald and depressed! Anyone else felt like this or experienced the same?:confused:
Cant offer any advice apart from everyone seems to say that the hair loss is not noticeable to others and not long lasting. The slow weight loss is annoying but maybe you are heading for a big loss?
Hi Taff,

I have been battling the same kind of demons, my thin hair is even thinner I am bored and just want it to finish. BUT, I have my eye on the prize now (thanks to BL and post from Mike)

Its been the hardest part of my journey to date, I look good feel good and am constantly told how fantastic I look, so its hard to stay focused.
I have only lost a pound for the last two weeks so I can understand how you feel. Hang in there focus entirely on what you want.

All I can tell you is how awesome it feels to walk into a shop and pick size 14's and know that they fit. Its great great great. And worth the little bit of hair loss.

Hey Taff, hang in there.

It can get so hard when the weightloss slows. I know that because it has happened to me and has made me have the odd cheat. The thing is that this diet really works so like me and Tange you just have to stick at is as best as you can. It will not always be easy, but It is easier to do it and get the job done now, than it will be if you do not finish the job properly.

Good Luck - I think that you will make it as you seem to have a lot of determination to succeed.