Week one nightmare!

Thank you! I can't wait to hear how you get on too. Almost weigh in day and got work tonight so i'll try to stay busy all night :D x
Me too! I've been feeling a lot better this week as my work uniform is getting quite big and regulars in the bar are commenting on how much I have lost and it's made me feel a lot better about myself! I'm going to the races in may and i'm hoping i'll be well on my way by then so that I can buy a dress from Topshop that I can actually fit into!! I love shopping there but only the shoes and jewelry fit me!

Oh yea! Just realised that I will finally be able to shop at more places. Eek!
End of week 2! Weigh in this morning and I have lost 5lb, I think that it may have been a bigger number but i've found it really hard to get the water down this week. I'm going to go to the gym this week as my stepmum has a few free passes and hope that'll give me a boost. I've been so excited planning for my festival but I can buy any clothes or wellies yet because I don't know what size i'm going to be by then, I really want a pair of hunter wellies but I can't fit my calves into them so hopefully by june I can get a pair on!
Well done Kate!! 5lbs is fantastic!! x x x
Well done on the weight losses.

I agree 3 litres is hard to get down every day - I just keep boiling that kettle and downing mint tea!!

Hope you have a great week.

Nicola x
This week has been so horrible! I have worked until 5am the past two days and I have to work until 5am tonight and tomorrow night as well! I've not been that hungry really, then all of a sudden today I feel like I could eat an entire cow (hooves and all)! I'm trying to drink 3L but I've only managed 1L so far :(
I hope that all this running about in the bar will give me a big loss on Monday :)
Aww Kate it sounds like it really tough for you. Good luck over the weekend and hope you're ok x x x
Thank you! I've been okay up until today, I think it's the lack of sleep and late nights making me hungry, every night when I finished work I used to get some food on my way home and that's another thing, having to walk past the kebab shops on the way to the taxi rank! I'll get through it, hopefully I'll feel better on Monday after all this work! xxx
I have lost 4lbs this week! I'm quite pleased with it as I haven't had all the water that I should have and I haven't done any exercise at all! I'm buying a new fitness game for my Wii and I'm going to go on Wii Fit a lot more too. I've took some more photos of myself today and I can see a bit of a difference so I feel a bit better about myself! I've started drinking green tea but it's taste is so bland compared to what it smells like, but it's a nice change having something warm to drink. I can't wait to go and buy some new clothes :)
Well done Kate!!!! That's FAB!!!! x x x
Only lost 1lb this week! I've been ill and the shakes and bars made me feel so much worse, so I've been eating soup and chicken and drinking loads of hot drinks so I expected to put on and was pleasantly surprised that I actually lost anything! Back on it yesterday so I hope I'll get a good weight loss!
Awww Kate, sorry to hear you've not been well, but well done for getting back on it. Hope you're on the mend and well done for losing the lb! I'm sure you'll make up for it next week x x x
3lbs off this week. I wanted a bit more but a loss is a loss! I've started the squat challenge as some exercise is needed, I have also bought Just Dance for the Wii and really enjoy playing it and it has an exercise feature so I will be on that every day. :) xxx