Weigh in


Full Member
Week 3 +1.6

I decided to not bother with Slim fast this week cos there were 3 birthdays in my family 1. my mum (47) 2. Sister-in-Law (sweet 16) 3. Sister-in-law (big 40)

Lissy xx
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lol my father-in-law has given me some lactulose (tastes very sweet so i'm guessing it's full of sugar) even with 3 5ml spoonfulls twice daily it's only improved slightly :/
hi, i no the feeling of being constipated was so constipated on my first time on slimfast only lasted a week then but having IBS (irretable bowel syndrome)made it worse but this time im fine. i usually crush/ grind up some fennel seeds and drink it with water once a day it really works. anyway dont worry too much about not losing anything this week probably because of the constipation so dont lose hope. good luck with the next week and drink lots of water to move things along.