weigh to go....

It was indeed a fab evening! I do like pamper evenings - I don't do them enough!

Sorry for disappearing for a few days - I've had a bit of a rough time - I've tried to give up smoking (and failed) and my ex has been released from prison - it's a bit of a long story and not sure if I should tell all on here due to the public access thing which could cause problems if he tries and finds it. I've been comfort eating a bit, and as a result gained 0.5lbs - could have been a lot more, so not too worried. I decided to face the meeting and the scales even though I knew I had gained, so I'm taking that as a positive ;)

Have had a lovely dinner - summer chicken in the new WW magazine, really nice and had it with new potatoes. Am now watching the football :)

Gosh... I wont say anymore, I hope you are ok though x
That summer chicken does look divine actually, I saw that recipe...!
A guy I know is reading some bloke's book for giving up smoking - Alan Carr? Not the comedian, the other one... anyway, it's really helped him, mentally, I think it's been since 14th Jan he hasn't smoked now, and he was a social smoker, always said he'd never have a pint without a smoke. I havent looked at the book, never touched a fag in my life, I just shoved chocolate in my face... but it might be worth googling, if and when you feel ready to give it another bash :)

(that reads like I'm calling you a chain smoking drinker... I'm not intending to, hehe! Just know you have a social life :)!)

1/2lb gain for a few days comfort eating is not bad at all :) It'll soon be off, you can do it!! :)

Hope tomorrow is a good one, and WAHOO it's nearly the weekend.! Whats the plan for the weekend?? x