Weird Accidents!!

years ago I had to have a cap removed , as the doctor reemoved it he said " I am having to cut it to release the suction so you will need a new one!!!!" yeah, like I was ever going to go through that again!!! ( really glad husband didnt try any of his diy procedures to remove it, see above post on watercress!!! or my neighbour for that matter!!!)
Ooh I once had a "lost" condom. It was the first time I'd slept with this guy (and the last!) I was so furious with him, felt it was entirely his fault, that he either hadn't put it on properly or didn't fit properly or whatever, but he was obviously a total prat for it coming off inside me. Ha, how reasonable was I??? Anyway, was determined to find it myself, there was no way I was going to let anyone else dig it out for me:eek: Took some fishing but I found it. OMG - should I really be sharing this??????

Would just like to add it was way before meeting Mr Dotty!!
And all because I dropped the phone down the loo!!! :D :D This thread has cheered me up no end! :D
My SIL - yeah the same one of the lost condom fame - well she used to live with a nurse who apparently dealt with many wierd accidents during her time in casualty. Most of which include men and their nether regions! These are the ones I re-call.

One man had a 2lb potato can guess where! He had apparently sat down hard in a chair forgetting he'd left his shopping there.

Another had a mishap with the hoover nozzle while hoovering naked obviously.

The best (worst) one though has to be the fella with the tap stuck up his....... Brought in by ambulance after the fireman managed to disconnect the taps from the sink:eek: Apparently he slipped when cleaning the window above the sink!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course these may not be true, though my SIL swears her housemate was truthful, but still made me laugh
Hi guys ,
This thread really has cheered me up !

Now to share, i once got run over by someone on a push bike yes really ! How, i haven't got a clue and if that wasn't bad enough he ran the tyre straight over the back of my head and there was broken bottle on the floor that embedded itself in my face (not too much damage ) but no one came to my aid because he peddalled off and they were all killing themselves laughing as i was a victim of a hit and run :eek: !

Oh the shame ! lol xxx
Oh and another my cousin was taken into casulalty after trying to become a woman with a kitchen roll holder !!! :eek:

Problem was it was wooden and she got a splinter and couldn't get it out and if she reads this she would kill me but oh well couldn't keep it in lol ! ;)

Kandy! PMSL @ hit and run, oh god I've got tears running down my face with laughter (don't know why but that really tickled me)!
OMG!!! Cannot believe how much I've been laughing at these stories!!!:D :D :D
These are hilarious, I am racking my brains to think of a funny one but I cant coz Im laughing that much!