Thanks Tinkerbell I know it will pass just sooooooooooooooooo booooooooooored at work.
The money is a defiante motivator too for me!

Awww we all have blips Wendy and I can understand where you're coming from. I had a similar thing happen to me, I did so well (was doing WW at the time) got down to 11st 7lb which was an achievement in itself as I hadn't been that low since 2003. It all came crashing down straight after getting to that weight - I'd just reached my 40th birthday and I was being taken out all the time and then my old ways crept back in and within 6 months I'd gained the 2st back I'd lost and more and topped the scales at 13st 13lb, I was devastated.

As you can see I'm still in the 13st range and my 40th birthday was 2 years ago! I'm now back on the wagon and trying SW this time. I really want to get down to 11st 7lb again before I go off on my jollies in August so here's hoping.

Last night I had a "blip" and the night before that - why I don't know but I'm putting all that behind me now ... onwards and upwards :eek:
Moosmum thank you for that it helps to know that everyone has problems with straying. Its just sooo hard but hey ho onwards I go. Just need to get through the boredom at work and stuff I guess xxx
Not sure what job you do Missie but I find if I give myself a time consuming task to do, go for a wee, make a cuppa so I have no excuse to stop, I can get stuck in and lose that sense of never ending time? Not long now until the end of the day x
yeah good call will do xxx

thanks guys
Hi Missie

Strangely I don't find it difficult at work, the day normally goes fast-ish, it's just the evenings I struggle with although now I'm doing SW I'm finding it a bit easier to keep my self control "under control" lol x
Well don't lillegs ur doing really well. Forgotten what getting back in ketosis is like......hard!

Tinker bell u crack me up xx
.......but not for long xxx
I'm scared of the day I cheat incase it becomes regular! The whole getting back into ketosis stage steers me away from wanting to cheat
Trust me it should im still struggling today :((((
yeah im hanging in babes thanks for the messages xxxx

my stomach is going crazy looool !