Well B*gger Me I've Got....


Collar bones!!! In fact I have other bones too... hips and ribs. I was beginning to think I was squashy all the way through, but no, somewhere deep inside there is structure!!!

Sorry, totally random and pointless post but just wanted to share!

Collar bones!!! In fact I have other bones too... hips and ribs.

:clap: amazing isn't it. I really thought mine had disintegrated underneath my fat. They hadn't been seen for years.

Well done :clap:
LOL Porgeous, I was so excited when my collar bones started to show....I am 37 and never seen them before!! I am quite obsessed by them, check them out most days....sad i know!!!
Thanks both, glad I'm not alone!! Is it sad that I keep wiggling them around in the mirror and I can make all these hollow bits appear????
lol my OH complained when we were cuddling earlier cos my collarbones poke thru now and he says theres no where squashy to rest his head!
Have you looked at your hands?? sad I know, but the hollow between thumb and wrist!!!!
ROFL!!! Bless ya. I can't wait to find my bones!!! (if i have any - i worry about being squashy all the way through too)
How lovely, I'd suggest getting some seductive body shimmer for christmas doo's to highlight them.

We'll soon be having bones running their own threads xx
Collar bones!!! In fact I have other bones too... hips and ribs. I was beginning to think I was squashy all the way through, but no, somewhere deep inside there is structure!!!

Sorry, totally random and pointless post but just wanted to share!


LOL, oh that made me laugh I am still in search of my bones I think I am like Morf that plaster cine man.:D
Yes it's totally weird, my NOSE is thinner!!!! Hollows in my wrists, neck, elbows...Shame my tummy still looks like I'm 8 month's pregnant!!!lol
LOL at all of you, thanks for making me laugh!! Totally agree on the plasticine man thing, definately felt that way myself!! Hadn't considered dressing them up with something shimmery, great idea - let the collar bones take centre stage - they may detract from the saggy neck - for every up....!!!!

Love ya all