Well Chuffed


Full Member
I have spent this evening sorting out clothes that are now too big and put them in the charity bag . Few nice surprises along the way as I found some thing fitted that I thought wouldnt . Came downstairs extremely happy with myself and motivated to carry on for another 4 weeks before my holiday and brothers wedding :D:D:D:D:D
You must be so chuffed... It makes you feel really good :)
I love that feeling :) well done xxx
One of the many pleasures of losing weight. Well done x
Well done that must feel so good! x
I actually wore a pair of size 14 next cropped jeans the weekend and was shocked they fitted . Happy Days
That's fantastic, I am having a big wardrobe sort out this weekend and I'm hoping that I will fit into some of my smaller clothes xx
wow, thats brill, its always the best feeling to fit into a smaller clothes size. I bought a pair of jeans in a size 14 around 6 years ago and they were my jeans to slim into, yesterday i got them on and did them up and if anything they are slightly too big on the waist (not on the thighs mind, dam body shape). It made my day!