What are we eating today?

Thanks guys, and yea I suppose it could be worse, I nearly did have cake actually lol x
hiya, sorry for not popping in for the last couple of days!!!

ive been good for the last few days no slip ups, todays ,meals were...

B: pork crunch and pepperami
L: chicken and cheese mayo salad
D: roast dinner Carvery, turkey,beef, veg, 1 yorkshire pud (not a real one lol) and gravy and mustard, 2 diet cokes,
weigh day tomorrow, find out if my bad weekend has hindered me this week!
Good Morning all.

B: Left over lamb curry a caulirice.
L: The Carby Cafe as usual.
D: TFIF! I'm out tonight, yet another wedding reception, just a boozy one though, no naughty foods.
B - 2 saus egg muffins
L - tuna mayo salad
D - roast chicken salad - tablespoon coleslaw

S - mim and philly, strawberries and cream
E - 1.25 hour walk with dogbert
W - 4/5 litres water
Movicol cos I haven't been since Monday :wave_cry:
Hope everyone has had a good day, I've been plagued with cravings today

Today's Food
B - 3 egg omelette, 10g spring onion, 1 med tomato, 45g cheddar cheese
L - Atkins chocolate brownie bar
D - Prawn salad, 100g leaves, 1 med tomato, 10g spring onion, 40g cheddar cheese, 1 tbsp mayo
S - 2 pork chops, 1 tbsp mayo

Total net carbs - 10.4g
Evening peeps heres my grub for the day x

B - 1 Egg Scrambled
L - 1 Tin of Tuna with mayo and 150g cucumber (not being boring with the salads I just like cucumber alot lol)
S - 2 Co-op finest Sausages 0.9g per sausage (This is my smaller meal when I get home before I excercise)
D - 3 Egg omlette with a bit of cream and 150g mushrooms

W - 5 litres plus (this seems to be working well for me)
E - Not been in all night walking round Retail Park and Tescos all evening and didn't get in til 9:30pm
Today's food
B - Cheese salad, 100g leaves, 20g spring onion, 1 med tomato, 45g cheddar cheese, 2tbsp mayo
L - None
D - Asda chicken, ham, mushroom and cheese breasts, 160g brocolli

Total Net carbs - 18.5g

Need to go shopping, have no food in so had to make do with the asda chicken breasts which are really high in carbs thanks to the cheese sauce :(, never mind x
i've been really bad this week, guess will have to restart from sunday.... too many celebrations going on... :(
B 2 X Bacon 2 x Sausage 2 x Eggs 1 x tOAST
L Chicken Breast 1 x Slice Ham Cheese and Salad
D Beef Curry Kale Peas Butter
Saturday's menu

B - made some cinnamon flax cereal (recipe in mims thread) and had half the result with some double cream - yummy
L - A couple of slices of roast pork (out and about and it was easiest)
D - Salad with cooked meats, chicken drumsticks and a couple of slices of pork pie (without most of the crust lol - dog loves this diet)

S - half a bag of pork crunch, another couple of bits of pie - no crust
W - less than my usual but probably 3/4 litres
A - several glasses of dry white - chilled to perfection
E - hour and 10 mins with dogbert once it cooled down a bit
B 2 x eggs bacon 1 x toast
L pancake with cheese and salad
D roast chicken roast pork kale cauli carrotts and peas little gravey
i'm having the rest of my strawberries with double cream today ....MmMmM
hmmm its been a few days since ive been in BUT since siunday last week i havent cheated, the last weekend was a killer, hence teh extra 1lb i think :(

oh well....onwards and upwards...


B: 3 bacon, 3 eggs scrambled.
L: nothing as yet
D: pork, veg inc cauli cheese mmmmm

w: non as yet (had lemonade)
exercise......cleaned and rearranged the kitchen for 3 hrs!!! (bloody housework is bad for you lol)