What are you using your Healthy Extra's for today..?

HeXA- 40g lighter cheddar

Just realised I haven't used any of my HeXB today! Saved my syns for a few drinks (half term :D) so I might have some cheese on toast a bit later ;)
Porridge and milk. Following someone else's idea, I mix them with an Options chocolate sachet. It makes a lovely, creamy, sweet breakfast/treat and keeps you full for ages. I'm totally addicted!

Green day

A- milk
B-2 x wm bread

might have cereal/toast later too
EE Day
HexA - 175ml Whole Milk
HexB - 30g Porridge Oats
He A - 250ml ss milk
He A - mature cheddar
He B - 2 x wm bread
He B - porridge
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Red day!

HEXbx2: 60g All bran chocolate crunch
HEXax2: 60g Cheddar in a beast of a quiche
Are Finns Thins Crisps flavoured? I don't think I've seen these. Thanks.

No, they're just sourdough cracker bread things. This is them...


HExA: 40g reduced fat cheddar
HExB: 2 x rocky road HiFi Light & 1 x mint crunch HiFi
Green day

HeA - 250ml ss milk.
HeA- either Parmesan or lighter cheddar
HeB - shreddies
HeB- 2x wm bread