What are you using your Healthy Extra's for today..?

Every day so far, I have used milk for my hexa and Hifi for my hexb.

However, the milk has just been in tea (so not the full daily allowance) and Hifis - although tasty - aren't exactly filling. I'm not massively keen on bread or cereal but I'm going to have to open my mind to them. Cereal seems like the best thing to have on the go to eat at work on my break or whatever. I'm going to try the Weetabix Crunchy Bran when I do my online shop.

B1: 2 x Alpen light bars
B2: 1 x Special K chewy delight

A: 65g light mozzarella
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Green Day

Hexa - 250ml semi skimmed milk
Hexa - 30g Cheddar cheese

Hexb - 35g weetabix choc minis
Hexb - 2 x Slices of wholemeal bread
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