What can you hear right now?

The TV - This Morning is on!
Show me show me on cbeebies lol oh and my little one having mash and beans hmmm unfair
The blooming RAF low practice flying for the 2nd night in a row, grrrrrrr....
Bon Jovi - its my life and me singing along, it just came on the radio as i was doing the dishes. even the dog just gave me a dirty look and walked away at my singing !
Bon Jovi - its my life and me singing along, it just came on the radio as i was doing the dishes. even the dog just gave me a dirty look and walked away at my singing !

No wonder it won't stop raining :crazy:
oh and right now i can hear Greendays version of working class hero.. and the dog farting

Right now I can hear myself typing and ME farting. Too much salad and veg and not enough chips, pies and cakes LOL
The fish tank whirring, me typing and Caroline Quentin shouting **** on TV
Right now I can hear the fridge... the rest of the house is in silence. I can also hear someone outside shouting on their phone :/ I had a power nap at 7pm after some BBQ food and a couple of gins and now I'm bright eyed and can't sleep! *annoying*
plane overhead, cricket commentary from the other room, laptop fan.