Working Solutions What do you do?


Gold Member
...instead of eating? I found food was my entertainment, get really bored with nothing to look forward to on a diet, anyone found new hobbies or activities now they have more time?
I'd love to spend more time on making myself look good but I'm clueless on stuff like applying makeup or fashion! Never felt good enough.
I am going to start a crochet project at the weekend - so far to keep busy I have done a lot of housework! I have also decided that for an hour or so each Saturday (early evening) I will be treating myself to a long soak in a very bubbly bath with exfoliator, a book and a pint of Dr Pepper zero followed by smothering self in baby's Johnsons Baby Oil- did that last Saturday and completely distracted me from our usual Sat evening food fest! By the time i got downstairs, was greatful for my soup and settled down to watch a good film!
Also, at the moment, I seem to be watching an awful lot of fatclub/diet programmes on telly to keep me motivated!
Oooh bath and pampering sounds brilliant! My dh told me I should go shopping every Saturday to break up the boredom of my routine, especially being with the kids 24/7 but a. I'm broke and b. Sizes will depress me!
Good ideas there and like you I'm hooked on masterchef and barefoot contessa type shows atm!
I spend an awful lot of time on here!!! Especially when trying to avoid the mountain of other stuff I'm supposed to be doing!!