What do you find annoying about your partner?

I play WoW too, I did spend a lot of time on it but instead of ignoring my wife, I bought her an account, tought her how to play and now we play together, she loves it :)
i sit on the bed watching tv he sits with his back to me and either ignores me when i speak or gets pissed of at me but if i sit downstairs in the evening he asks why im mad at him and he doesnt seem to understand its better than being ignored argh men, cant live with em cant live without their credit card lol x
Fab thread!! I can relate to most of them, especially the housework blindness but thing that annoys me most about my OH is.....

His b****y ex wife and b****y kids!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh god, dont talk about WOW, i lost a few months of my life on that thing a few years back, decided to stay clear of it now lol
LOL this thread is funny, i think all the woman on mini's have been united as one through generally annoying OH's.. i can safley say that i am not WOW, just a ps3 widow.. dunno which is worse..

i think another annoyance is that if joes car breaks or somthing is wrong, its like teh worlds gunna end and it gets priority over EVERYTHING and will dictate his mood for the rest of the nite, but if MY car breaks.. he tells me im lucky i have a car and to not get so upset :eek:

and no matter how easy i try to make cooking for him, not even cooking just warming things up etc.. he still cant do it. Last night i put a boil in the bag rice on teh hob to go wioth his alreadyc ooked chilli con carni. All i asked him to do was cut the bag open, and tip it out on the plate. Well, he cut teh bag open, ahnd put it back in the drainer?! and then put COLD chilli con carni on top and asked me 'whys it cold?' .. DUH!!!!?? and on anotehr occasion i put pasta on the hob, and gave him the sauce to mix in after. Well. I left him to it and he poored it in to the boiling water.. and then drained it all off and asked why the sauce was so mild. :-|

Luckily I'm not a World Of Warcrack widow, I'd seriously kill him.

One funny thing to do to your OH (if it is a man) is to treat him exactly the way he treats you, for a day: Don't listen properly, don't sympathise much about things, sit with your back to him doing stuff and then snap when interrupted, grunt replies from behind a newspaper, don't clear up his plates, take phone calls without saying who it was etc.

I guarantee that by bedtime he will be asking you what the HELL is wrong. Hahaha! Of course, when you explain your actions he will deny being like that...But then you can argue about everything, which is always fun. Sort of.
The fact that when i have heart burn thats really painful he has drunk all my peppermint squash! and he knows its the own thing that helps
OOOH no hes tried to get me on there loads of times. no way! i enjoy the real world! i hate that game! i tell you when a new expansion comes out for it i dont even think about trying to converse with him. not that i bother much now. Hes playing his mistress now and i have asked 4 times what he wants to eat and ive just got - yeah, so now he will get whatever he can dig out of the cupbourd! haha evil woman!
he informed me last night he was playing in a raid with his guild, my reply was i thought you did that every night lol, do your hubbys talk to you about it? i have 3 children to look after i dont have time to listen argh i asked him on sun at 4pm to put the kids clean bedding on at 7pm i took them up to bed...no bedding on argh and he didnt understand why i was so mad, any tips on getting hubbys to help more please lol

charlotte x