What do you love about dieting?

Yeah control is definately top of my list.

I liken my diet to my mortgage - It is hard going at the moment but I know that I will get something great at the end of it! A means to an end!
What a great thread :D has really boosted my motivation reading all the things people love about dieting. I just wanted to add that I love how since I've been on this 'diet' (don't really like the word diet :p) that whenever I get down about my weight or feeling fat I can always remind myself that it is changing and I can achieve a figure that I'm happy with. Before I would have probably just ate that feeling away but now I have a great new mentality.
I don't love anything about being on a diet, I only like the inch loss, if it happens. Trying on clothes which were too tight and now fit, feeling OK about myself, not avoiding mirrors because I can't bear the reflection.

The only slight plus about a diet is that food tastes nicer when you are hungry or haven't been allowed something for a while. But that is a bit like hitting your head against a wall because it is so nice when you stop.

oh my god.....thank you SO MUCH :worthy:

i thought i was the only one gonna post to say exactly that.

i hate dieting, i love food, i hate not eating what i want...when i want :wave_cry:

but such is life i suppose....i would be half a ton if i ate what i wanted LOL :D
I also like the control, and the peace I get from knowing that I am not just a victim of my emotions.

I feel the same. The control, the planning, the goals - all structured and comfortable, knowing that just because I have a bad day doesn't mean I am going to gain weight due to over-eating/binging. That and the weight loss itself, so far that has been very motivational (though admittedly the first week is usually the biggest loss week).
Well, it's comforting that so many also do it for the same reasons as me.

I definitely like the self imposed rituals and controls and boundaries, I feel safe and measured. It feels good. It hasnt happened yet, but I do like it when I can walk up a supermarket and catch a cute guys eye and know he has clocked me. In short I like the end result of being substantially better looking when not fat. I am not one of those pretty people that you can see is pretty under the fat. I am tall and have a large defined bone structure, when you cover that in fat I become a walking mountain! what i like about CDC and ketosis, is that I am not hungry. I like quite a lot about dieting. Doesnt mean that I want it to go on forever though!
Like most people ... for me it's about control and knowing that I'm taking action to deal with the element of my life that I am most unhappy with! I also feel proud that I'm doing this. That is perhaps the most important thing.

I love that some weeks (once or twice) I haven't stuck to the plan and still lost a sneaky pound. Don't be mad I said it, I am sure it won't continue to happen.
1/I love never feeling guilty because I've eaten too much or eaten the wrong thing. I'm sticking to SS 100% so there's no guilt ever. I love that!!

2/ I love seeing the weight disappear every week without fail. I'm not scared of the scales anymore.
looking good when i make an effort
self discipline
not being judged by my appearance
feeling proud of myself
finding this site and all the wonderful girlfriends i have made on here :D like a little sister hood online.
Being in control!!!! seems to be a theme, but found it interesting some of you were saying about not liking anything about being on a diet. I was just thinking this morning "is this me for life?" I think I will always have to watch what I'm eating, and I will never be able to just eat what I like cause what I like is food and lots of it. So I think this will be for life and although I like what I'm eating on the diet I am using, I just wish I didn't need to make myself be in control, if that makes sense. Wish it was just something I did naturally. Anyway, thats my pondering over for the day.
Janey xx
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I know that "this is me for life now" if I take my eye off the ball then the weight goes on!
the controll
I read the title of this discussion and couldnt quite put my finger on my ideal answer. Having read some of your posts I think the CONTROL aspect hits the nail on the head. Certainly for me anyway.

The hardest part is always commiting to start something but once you do it is as though your life is back in your own hands.
Sounds like a contradiction.......... If your on a diet you arent in control until you are not on a diet........ if you know what I mean. I am not on a diet, I feel fully in control of what I eat, I choose foods now on the basis of what nutrients and minerals I get from food, I never would ever eat fish, but now I eat salmon four times a week because it has become attractive to me in terms of the benefits eating it would bring to my body also i have grown to have an intense love and apprieciation for broccoli, and crave that on a daily basis. Seems so strange, the more I read about foods the more I become interested in them, I often crave a food without even knowing what it tastes like because of reading about it. As I am losing weight I find I am trying to eat foods that have nutrients that are good for my skin, hair and body. I don't think i could ever overeat again, I eat a piece of 85% dark chocolate a day as it does have beneficial nutrients, eventually when I have lostthe weight I will drink red wine a couple of times a week too, becaus eof the benefits. I feel healthy and added to the walkign i am doing I am going to start swimming next week, because of the toning and the gentle workout on my joints.
This is a really good topic and it's nice to see people feel the same way.

I like still feeling healthy after I eat, and not feeling guilty, sick and generally horrible. Food should be enjoyed, so it was never very nice to feel guilty before, during and after eating.
When I was eating unhealthily, I was sleeping around 12-14 hours a night and really wasn't getting much done. I just felt so sluggish. But now I am fine with just 8 hours.
I also love thought of being at my goal weight. The image of it is such a rush of excitement, it really helps me to sick to my plan.

Dieting in general makes me feel better about myself and my future.
When I'm on my diet I love:

- not feeling bloated and too full
- not feeling ill
- looking in the mirror and knowing I look better
- my clothes feeling looser

and i dont know if i'm allowed to say this but when I'm on my diet I have a better sex life because I feel alot better about myself and I'm just happier :)
being in control. im truly happiest when im not over eating because to me when im eating too much im not in good form, but when im healthy im in great form. sub consciously i use food to measure my control, when im doing good im afraid to even touch bad stuff because i feel as though it will send me out of control. im an all or nthing lady. addicted to food and dieting fights that addiction
so glad that I found this today, have had a really bad 24 hours (leapt off the wagon, rather than stepped off) and feel so rubbish about going out of control, failing to achieve and giving in to tiredness and stress. Could have a good cry about it but don't have the energy. Trying to get back in the zone so here are what I love about dieting
being told that i'm looking good, and praised for sticking to CD 100% (usually) - so recognition of achievement i suppose
being able to bend down in my jeans without piercing my belly on the button or cutting off my circulation
knowing that there are clothes in the wardrobe that fit
not having to worry about what I should and shouldn't be eating
feeling more lively and less bloated and miserable
When I put all these things down then why did I waver?
Wow, I'm really enjoying this thread! For me, the truth is, I'm really intimidated by diets. When i think about losing weight, I feel really stressed! It's the same feeling that I get when I have an upcoming exam, a bit of dread/apprehension cos I know that I'm going to have to push myself, focus and work hard!

So it's really positive to see everyone's posts! I never thought I could love anything about dieting, but I think I need to become a bit more 'glass half full'!