What have you learnt?

I've learnt that if i feel down, i've got a great support site to go to that always helps me :) xxx
Definately that I don't need food to make me feel better. To think of the times I'd nip to the supermarket on the way home and buy chocolate or some pastries or whatever and devour the whole lot. God.

Also, I really must look after myself once at goal. Actually look at what I am going to eat. Not just pile pizza, garlic bread, ice cream down my mouth because I've had a hard week and I feel I deserve it. What I deserve is a little of what I fancy, offset by something that that my body actually needs. If I really fancy that garlic bread I'll have it with a nice chicken salad or whatever. if that makes sense...
That I can actually stick to a diet & that I have reserves of willpower & positivity that I never knew existed!

.....and to think I actually put off doing CD for a good few months because I just didn't think I could do it, yet now I know its not a question of IF i can get to goal, just WHEN!

Seconded...! Pretty much sums up my attitude towards CD, both before and after starting.