What is it with Saturdays??


Full Member
Day 19 & still going well, though at the weekend I think about what I shouldn't be more!! Oh well, positive changes are happening everyday so I'll concentrate on that instead :) boo to the weekend and roll on Monday weigh-in..might change my weigh-in day to a Saturday to keep my mind focused at weekends..just a thought..
Good idea! X
my first saturday was horrible!
It does get much easier in general Kelbelmarie, the first 1-2 weeks are a nuisance, but once you get past them it's so much better and almost becomes second nature! I think my Saturdays are more of a challenge than the rest of the week at the moment, not because I'm hungry but because I am more bored and at a loss for what to do, my usual thing was boredom eating then saturday night tv with munchies! I'm definitely going to have to give myself something to do on Saturdays as the rest of the week I can keep myself so busy, I hardly even think about not eating at all. It's pointing out my bad food habits I suppose, so I can try and tackle that problem and will know in future what to look out for when I return to eating, so it's not all bad I suppose :) Good luck for the coming weeks, you will be ever so grateful on weigh-in days, it really does keep you pushing forward! :)
Good idea! X
Yeye, you have such impressive losses..18lbs on week 1 of restart..:wow:keep up the fantastic work! I'm joining the Saturday weigh-in club next week :)
Thank u x
It's a psychological thing about the weekends, even if i'm working all weekend i still feel i should be "treating" myself with something nice to eat! it does pass after a few weeks.

i don't think i could weigh in on saturdays, although i know i wouldn't cheat i'd still be afraid my head would tell me if i had something to nibble on saturday night i would be back in ketosis and have weight off the following saturday, whereas with getting weighed in on a monday, i've no "treat" issues on a monday so i keep strong for the week. It's a silly way to think but i'm getting to know myself a lot better these days and know my weaknesses!
Do you know Cath, I thought the same myself! I was thinking I'd be more tempted on the Sunday and then like you said I'd have almost a week to go..funny how we think these ideas up, even though we probably wouldn't do it! Think I'll stick to the Monday though, as you're right on not putting the temptation there, I'd be too worried to ruin my results :) At least we're learning our bad habits :) lol xxx
I think it's just weekends in general they are to relax and enjoy yourself. I used to enjoy myself with take away.. Not anymore it is simply about keeping busy for me and I've taking up a new hobby rather than eat.. Candle lit baths with some good music!! :) helps me reflect on my journey too. It's funny what you think of when you have some 'you time' xxx
yous will laugh at this but i've recently took up knitting!!!! my friends think i've lost the plot and its hilarious for a 30 year old to be sitting at home knitting! but that i find its therapeutic and keeps me busy in the evenings when i used to be nibbling. I'm only knitting little squares with the plan to make some sort of blanket out of them. I'm very slow at doing it so it'll probably take me years!!!
Thank god i've gotten over the cold thing, its horrible and nothing heats you up.... at the rate i knit i'll see you in 8 years with that blanket!
Haha, at least it's taking your mind off food etc. It's good you have a hobby!! Believe me I thought I was 'over' the cold thing but the last few days have been awful again I'm sooooo cold x x x