What made you choose Slimming world?

My fiancee's niece was joining and after gettin fed up of me complaining so much about being fat and ugly etc he suggested I join with her. I ummed and ahhed as I really didn't like the idea of talking to other people about how fat I was, but took the plunge.

The moral support of my niece doing it as well at the start really helped and I quickly made friends at the group and relaxed. My niece has since quit but I still go along every week even though I'm at target and am even the weighing in lady for my group.

I couldn't image choosing a different diet and feel quite lucky that SW was really the first 'diet' that I chose.
I have tried WW in the past, never lasted more than a few weeks as just got so bored of counting. At the time I done it (Ithink it may have changed now) veggies were the only thing you could eat as much as you wanted - so boring. I also tried Cambridge for a few weeks. It really works and is awesome for fast weight loss. I know many people who have done extremely well on it so I am not going to knock it. Just that from a personal point of view it was not for me. It's far too restrictive, made me miserable and in the end I just binged - my will power is not strong enough for such a restrictive diet. I decided to bit the bullet and do a slow and steady loss on something which I could actuallu sustain...
I did the 14 day Atkins diet & lost 4lbs which was measley for what I'd put myself through! I then did WW online when I was 18, in 14 months (& sticking to it) I lost 7lbs. I then started calorie counting which led me to some really bad times, I became obsessed with what I was eatning, even other people, & I became a little addicted to exercise. I lost too much too quick & paid for it when it all went back on (and some!).

A friend recommended SW 2 years ago, she explained it all & for the life of me couldn't get my head around it. Sadly at my frist class I didn't get the usual "welcome" but I through myself into it & picked it up in no time. Due to different things I've been very up & down with my weight since then but I could NEVER not do SW. I love being able to eat & lose weight. I'm no where near target but the healthiest I've ever been. Now when my friends say they can't understand the logic, I say - don't understand it, just do it & love it. It works!
I haven't started Slimming World yet as I'm midway through losing the last stone or so with Cambridge. I've lost (and kept off) over 6 stone with Cambridge so I'm very happy with it, but I'm perfectly aware that it's not a long term proposition.
I'm rather hoping that someone here might be able to tell me if there is a maintenance type of a plan with SW that I can join once I'm at my target weight?
As for Cambridge being more expensive than regular food I didn't find that to be the case. It costs about £40 for Sole Source and I most certainly spent more than that a week on "proper" food.
I'm looking at SW because I think it will be easier than counting points etc!
Hi lynne, well done on the fantastic weighloss. If u search for a thread called 'mum2two weaning off exante' it follows a lady who swapped from exante to slimming world, might give you some tips. Hope it helps xx
I joined ww online in January and lost 18lbs by Easter but then I put 4lbs back on and then couldn't get back on track. Anyway, had a long think and realised I needed a class so joined sw as the ww classes near here are terrible! Joined last week and felt so inspired by the consultant, first weigh in tonight and I lost 3lbs :)
I prefer sw because like others have said, on ww i would use all my points on rubbish and then have to eat tiny meals to compensate. This week i have had lovely big, healthy meals and had a few syns on a treat every night. Loving it because it's something you can live with long term.
Because I'm greedy!!!! lol

I love my food and couldn't even entertain the idea of counting points all day!!! With SW I get to eat whatever I want and however much I want - I just eat loads more of the good stuff and a lot less of the not so good stuff, ie, I now only eat 2 jaffa cakes instead of a whole pkt!! :eek: And the family don't even notice that the meals I am cooking are any different to the meals I cooked before. I'm not only dishing up healthier versions of the meals we have always eaten, but I'm now trying lots of foodstuff and recipes that I wouldn't have tried before.

You can keep your liquid diets and your points counting - I'm more than happy stuffing my face whilst still losing weight. :D
You can keep your liquid diets and your points counting - I'm more than happy stuffing my face whilst still losing weight. :D

^^ THIS!!!

Couldn't have put it better myself *grin* :p
A friend of mine had lost a lot of weight & was looking fantastic so I asked her what she was doing to lose it & she explained to me how SW worked. I was a total pessimist & thought that there was absolutely no way you could lose weight following a diet where you could eat so much so she lent me her books & the rest is history.

The other appeal was the fact that although exercise was encouraged you could still lose weight without it & in the beginning I did, but as the pounds came off I started to really enjoy exercise & now it is a big part of my life. I think it is the small steps that SW encourage that help us reach longer term life changes rather than a forced opinion & lots of must do's.

I have never tried anyother diet though I did dabble in Slimfast for about 3 days (then I got hungry!!! :eek:) so cannot really comment on comparisons but I know that SW has taught me a healthy way to eat & a way that I can eat along with my family having normal sized portions, the odd glass of wine & even the odd dessert while still feeling in control & to me that makes it maintainable & something I can follow long term.