What to put in your hospital bag.

mrs-s said:
Omg that's so bad!! Imagine if that happened now! I was paranoid about that cus I had to go theatre for 3hrs but dh was with lo all the time so I know he didn't get swapped lol xx

They get their bracelets straight away now though don't they does baby sleep by your bed they aren't taken away to rooms anymore are they and like on tv lol

Sorry if these are silly questions!

X x x
Cottons wool is a nightmare both our hospitals insisted on us using cotton wool ridiculous they're like the baby police and the majority don't even have kids themselves :( it's stupid tho cos them bounty packs have wipes in but they won't let you use them :( I got shouted at cos I had nappy bags in a pack that looked like wipes! Soo stupid! X
Cas3 said:
Becky I got feeling ur baby won't be that big as he be born at 39 wks x

My baby was 4 weeks early and still weighed 7lb9.5 imagine if I went full term jeeeze!
If they say anything I'll just say they are quite welcome to change him and use cotton wool if they want to haha :p

Jess was born on due date at 8lb 9oz I feel a lot smaller this time though I'll be surprised if hes bigger than jess, a women due same day as me I know had her baby yesterday at 37+2 and he was 9lb 4oz bloody hell imagine how big he would be at 2 week over due lol x
My tens machine arrived today hurrah! Tested it on my arms because your not supposed to use them before 37 weeks but your arms are ok for a quick test :D

Also bought two packs of newborn buggies nappies yesterday so I have one pack in each size now but I've also been buying bigger nappies and wipes , I will have to take a pic of my baby cupboard you will all laugh!

X x x
I'm only 23 weeks I've started gathering my stuff together, you never know if you might have to go in early and my oh is useless at packing so at the moment it's all on the desk in the spare room, it's getting added to all the time lol plus it keeps the cost down because I'm not buying it all at the same time, and it means I can look out for bargains like all my toiletries I've bought on half price offers etc lol.

I'm planning on having my bag and babies bag ready by 30 weeks and from 35 weeks they will probably live in my mums boot as she will be taking us the 21 miles to the hospital and her and my hubby will be with me.

I'm ridiculously organised I think it's because I'm Capricorn lol

X x x
I never liked huggies nappies they not very stretchy n seemed to leak a lot on my LO, might just be him though, so I've just got pampers again this time cus never had a problem with them, I wish he wouldve been okay in huggies sometimes though cus they always have better offers on them than pampers!

Yeah you do never know so best to have them ready! I has to stay in not last weekend one before and It made me realise loads of stuff I'd forgot to put in! Need to redo it now cus I used the pjs etc so need to put back in haha x
I just like them because they have the special bit at the front for the cord for newborns, but it's my first baby so it's going to be trial and error, we've been buying whatever is on offer so we have a variety of nappies at the moment lol.

Me and hubby had a disagreement over bedpanthen or sudocrem though lol

X x x
Pampers have that bit too on newborn nappies lol, yeah we had loads of diff ones with LO til we found what we like best,

I never used nappy rash cream on him ever, he's never had nappy rash even though he's it sensitive skin, think sometimes adding extra gunk on top can just make it worse I just found changing nappy as often as possible he never got any rashes or sore bits x I'd use sudocrem if I was going to use one though cus I use it on my face for spots so have it in the house anyway x
Oh do they! They don't advertise it very clear then lol.

I will get nappy rash cream in, after seeing how bad it can get after working with adults in "pads" I would rather add a barrier. I used bedpanthen on my tattoos lol but it's the same price for 300g of bedpanthen as it is for 500g of sudocrem

I want be buying talc though I hate the stuff!

X x x
Just been reading the posts and have realised that I have been avoiding baby stuff and buying anything! My oh has been wanting to get organised and go look and order prams and cribs but iv been putting it off. I feel really anxious about it all like Il be tempting fate if you know what I mean? I don't know if its because I had a rubbish start to pregnancy but I'm sure I wasn't like this when I had my older kids. Maybe its all hormones too, seem to be so moody lately. Hopefully it will pass and I can get excited soon x
I think most size 1 nappies do think boots own do too If I remember right, yeah I think we've just been lucky, some babies more likely to get it than others, my LO has quite bad excema etc so it's surprising really he's never got it x

I was same loopy still not finished and I've only got 9 days left! Only got pram a few weeks ago and same with other big stuff only got baby swing last week, I been paranoid about it but times running out now. Just try relax and enjoy it x
Yea I think its mayb just too soon for me, I'm sure nearer the time I will be getting organised, think its cause its oh first he's really keen to go buying lots whereas I'm trying to sort house and things first.

Good to know its not just me tho lol x
How far gone are you loopy loo?

I can't do much sorting in my house yet, we're getting a new heating system installed in the next 2 months which is going to be messy and involve drilling and all sorts stresses me out just thinking about it. I hope they do it ASAP!

X x x
Oh its a nightmare gettin stuff like that done! Im gettin my kitchen replastered but that's about the most messy, iv mostly only redecorating to do thankfully. Just focus on the end result it will be worth it!

I'm almost 19 weeks so plenty of time really, go for my anomaly scan in two weeks time so I'm sure by then Il be ready to get organised. Well I hope anyway lol x
Aw I feel for you, I was so stressed up til February as we were house hunting it was at the point I thought we wouldn't find anywhere in time but we did, even though house still not how we want it least were in and it's liveable lol x
We want to get the nursery plastered aswel and we need new carpets throughout the house. If I'm honest we need to win the lottery lol, my gran passed away and left the house to me which I'm beyond grateful for but it's still in the 1970's as she didn't change anything after my grandad died.

The council have also destroyed our fence after taking scaffolding to the houses next door (were the end terrace and are the only ones with access)

Lots of issues and only 16 weeks 3 days till baby comes!

X x x
It will all be sorted, 4months is a long time really it just seems so short cus your counting down everyday! If you wernt pregnant ou wouldn't be so aware of it xx
I've 14 weeks to go and dying to start packing my bag etc but still feels so soon!