What your weight loss is equal to...

*jenjen* said:
I prefer your 100lbs loss you worked out for me yesterday. Ive lost Justin beiber lol x

Lol if only everyone could lose Justin beiber!
This post is great! I might just have to print off the list and hang on the fridge!

Well, so far I have lost a mid-size microwave but I still have the amount of cheese an average American eats in a year to go (just don't mention that one to Crystal!).

If I got to Arnold S though, I am afraid I would just have to keep him!
Haha Ive lost an Elephants penis nearly as well... also lost my ex who reminds me of the same body part... just a different word for it... lol
Haha Ive lost an Elephants penis nearly as well... also lost my ex who reminds me of the same body part... just a different word for it... lol
Haha love it!!
I'm around the elephant penis comparison too!!! Glad mine was distributed a little differently!!! X
Good grief, I'm missing the equivalent of an elephant's dick. What a strange way to measure 60lbs! Who thought of putting one on the scales originally? I bet it took ages to get him to stand still for it!
Is that an erect or flaccid elephants penis?
well i'd guess it was flaccid by the time they chopped it off and put it on the scales. I cant imagine how they'd go about measuring an erect one?
Hahaha OMG that is mahoosive!!!
that would not only make your eyes water, but you'd walk like John Wayne for life :D
MrMojo said:
that would not only make your eyes water, but you'd walk like John Wayne for life :D

Don't think you would be able to walk at all after that lol! ;)
Lol! did anyone read the article... he started collecting penises when he was a school administrator...how boring must his job have been!!!? x