Whats for tea tonight?

Aldi sesame crispbreads with SW Chicken & Bacon Pate, pickles.
Slow cooker curry with all the meat left overs lol!

Put sliced onions & garlic in me slow cooker & left to cook for a couple of hours till soft, added me meats, curry spices & 2 knorr chicken stock cubes dissolved in 350 mls hot water, half cup of sultanas then left to stew all day on high. Finally, 0% plain yoghurt added to make it creamy.....yum! Had it with steamed cabbage (trying to be healthy.)
Sw fry up and making a vat of turkey soup
I'm still slightly in plan off plan ,using food up, Joes sausage grills, a tiny Indian selection pack, and a tiny cheese board, to share with Mr.
Neopolitan Pasta with HEA Parmesan

Hoping to be good with a blip New Years eve and poss new years day

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Burgers with fried onion, bacon and bbq sauce (1 syn) and a huge beetroot and red onion salad. Feel pretty stuffed now..

Green beans



Hi Fi bar for pud for me while they had the most sinful choc gateaux you have ever seen!
I shared a jacket potato with beans and cheese with my 8month old at 5pm, though I know that won't sustain me until bed time so I plan on making some butternut squash chips later. Yum.
Stew :D
My husband won't let me do anything so he is making tea tonight I think Bacon, sausage, mushroom and hard boiled egg is on the menu x x x

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