Whats occurring?

Wear the skirt:D
Well well well - who has been keeping a secret ( wheres wally) big hint!!!! Jenna just been looking at your pics and you look stunning. The change is amazing. Well done hunni
Thank you, Happy Holidays :D Again, perfect timing to read a lovely comment :)

This morning I tidied and re organised my bedroom, moved the bed so I had much more room and it's now in a position where I can store stuff under it so my room is officially decluttered. Have ordered myself a pair of GHD's as mine have been broken for months and I was being too stingy to buy some more and have also had a few Christmas pressies delivered :D
Now watching Oliver with my youngest sister and waiting on my favourite TV show to download (Law and Order:SVU)
Lying in bed, feeling v relieved about managing a STS this week. I've just bought a top online as I've been offered a teaching position until Christmas (not very long but it gives me more money than I'd initially thought) and now considering turning off the lappy and going for a wee snooze. May be brave and try the gym today, I'm scared of 'weekend gym' as I imagine it's VERY busy and full of the hardcore gym goers who don't go out and get sozzled on a Sat night so that they can pump the old iron on a Sunday. We shall see.
Jenna88 said:
Maybe if I ask really nicely they can bench press me? haha! MIND.IN.GUTTER.

I found the gym is quieter Saturday afternoon and Sundays, Friday night was the nightmare