Whats occurring?

Had a lazy morning and I'm only just getting ready! Just signed myself up for a charity Zipslide off the Tyne bridge on May :) leaving in less than an hour to go and see Les Mis at the cinema with friends. Never been into musicals but I'm really looking forward to this!

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Lovely lie in this morning, much needed after being unwell with flu/cold/sinusitus since Christmas.

Caught up with the world and my son on Twitter and BBM whilst cwtched up in bed.

Couple of cups of coffee, lovely long soak in the bath, now going to dry my hair.
Punk star what about charity shops for the kids costumes? they may have some bits and bobs you can adapt. I also know some branches of Matalan do kids fancy dress, E bay? maybe Primark?
Punk star what about charity shops for the kids costumes? they may have some bits and bobs you can adapt. I also know some branches of Matalan do kids fancy dress, E bay? maybe Primark?

Thankyou X I've spent all day looking on Internet without anything catching my eye so next plan is searching shops... An watching a few dresses on eBay & ill def try primark x
Finally managed to get sorted and go geocaching and loved it! Yay! Just had a sw caramel latte and a hifi bar and mooching on here while the guinea pigs cage dries as am changing their bedding.

Feeling a bit depressed abou the idea of having to do the ironing tonight as it just indicates am back in the cycle of work tomorrow boo! but shouldn't complain really!
Hubby is coooking a roast chicken dinner so thats something to look forward too :)
Sometimes you get days like that Jezzi - I have em most weekends now due to friends now having bf's etc that they only see weekends. Jan is a horrible month money wise have to watch every penny car service tax etc arggh - At least u aint got the sh$ts and have an arse that thinks its a golfer - cos its putting lol

Dunno what ive eaten but its not agreeing with me poor tummy
& here's the ancient Greek coin my 7 year old made (only showing coz I've mentioned at few times over weekend - and I think she did really good :))


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Just having a cuppa hoping the weather clears a bit! If it does I'm off the retail park looking for 'Hollywood glam' dresses for the girls (boy decided he's not going now) then off to farm-foods, hoping some different meats & fish in the freezer will get me back on track after bad weekend, then finally off to morrisons for basic shopping bits
Just got in from work, eating some pineapple while I wait for OH to drag himself out of bed so we can take the dogs for a walk, it's absolutely throwing it down though, could be a welly day
Just having a cuppa hoping the weather clears a bit! If it does I'm off the retail park looking for 'Hollywood glam' dresses for the girls (boy decided he's not going now) then off to farm-foods, hoping some different meats & fish in the freezer will get me back on track after bad weekend, then finally off to morrisons for basic shopping bits

Bloody snow! Not looking like we are going very far today :( it's coming down properly, not covering floor but daren't set off anywhere in case it does
Snow here too but I love it, wrapped up in my blanket while I browse the web :) not looking forward to having to walk to work in 40 minutes, plus as its snowing I imagine it will be indoor play today and the little one's will be going crazy wanting to go run out in the snow :/

Hope it snows enough so me and little one can make a snowman when he gets home though, its looking quite heavy now and had already settled this morning