Whats occurring?

It's 10:30 & I'm in bed, a very early night for me, I'm absolutely whacked, no doubt l'll be awake at silly o'clock, but hey ho.
I havnt had a minute all today to get on here think i was having withdrawals haha !!
PAULY had a lovely day with his friends magician was fab I'm soooo tired now ;-) X
So after months of doing no exercise I decided to start my hoola hoop I've just done 12 mins going to try and do it each day and see if tones my tummy muscles up ;-) X
I am trying not to swear as the website I was just using to do a job application is playing up! Grrr!

Oh dear! Hope you managed in the end, Emsie. What job are you applying for?

I've wrapped my first Xmas present today and ordered some more things on-line. I've decided, while I'm off work, whenever a parcel arrives through the post I'm going to wrap it immediately, then I won't get bogged down with it all, like I usually do! :D

Kathy x