Whats occurring?

Sat in the doctors waiting room, I have an urgent appointment as I've had another dizzy spell where my heart races and I feel like I'm going to pass out :-( I'm shaking like a leaf at the mo xxx
Sat in the doctors waiting room, I have an urgent appointment as I've had another dizzy spell where my heart races and I feel like I'm going to pass out :-( I'm shaking like a leaf at the mo xxx

Oh no, hope you're ok x
Had an ECG which came back ok, they're going to do further tests over the next few weeks, but if it happens again I need to go to A&E ASAP for another ECG so they can catch it while it's happening and have it on record.
Thanks for your concern xxx
Had an ECG which came back ok, they're going to do further tests over the next few weeks, but if it happens again I need to go to A&E ASAP for another ECG so they can catch it while it's happening and have it on record.
Thanks for your concern xxx

Eek! Hope you're ok xx
I'm on the train back from London atm...get in Newcastle 3.45 and then meeting my friends for drinks and food, then off to the acadamy to see McFly (I know, i'm just too cool ;) ) Back to the healthy eating tomorrow! xx
I'm on the train back from London atm...get in Newcastle 3.45 and then meeting my friends for drinks and food, then off to the acadamy to see McFly (I know, i'm just too cool ;) ) Back to the healthy eating tomorrow! xx

Your trip seems to be soon over with, I hope you've had a lovely time x
Well the boss had an appt this morning, then went home sick, my colleague finishes at 2:30 on a Thursday & I've not much work to do, so I've been planning December holiday, had a dabble on fb & now here just checking out what's going on.

Oh I also had a book delivered to work 'Mystical and Sacred Sites' so I've had a look at that as well;)
Today I'm having a creative day! I've been getting into crafts to try help me feel better so today I am tie dying clothes (2 tees for daughters, summer dress for little un, maxi skirt for older daughter, couple of canvas tote bags) then with remaining dye I'm going to hand dye some white embroidery thread to make friendship braids/bracelets later in week... While they're drying I'm going to make some sock monkeys :D in between ill do some housework lol x
Last night is catching up with me lol my eyes are sore so debating whether to go to bed or not as I prob wont sleep