What's your most embarrassing moment as a 'weighty' person....

I went to my best friends baby shower and one of her relatives was commenting on her bump and congratulating her...she then turned to me and said " congratulations and when is your baby due" yet again I wasnt pregnant Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I too like you could list soooo many,but I'm going to list the one that made me start SW....

At christmas at work we do secret santa between all the girls. We agreed Xmas '08 to get nice gifts and not joke ones. Well, xmas eve (bah humbug...we were at work! lol) we opened the pressies. I had a donut maker and fudge!! Why you ask?! They called me "fudge doughnut" because I liked them so much! I know they weren't trying to be horrid but it hurt all the same, and so January came and I started SW.This is going to sound really ungracious, but the lassie who got my secret santa (we always figure out who! lol) is now bigger than me! Thta sounds awful, but in a way I think Karma. Oh no, I feel really nasty now, I shouldn't say things like that!!

The rest is history, and girls, to all those horrid people that have hurt us, I say screw 'em because we're on the way to being happier, stronger,slimmer people! :D
Ok my turn - at least this will make you laugh.

10000 years ago BC - before children I did alot of acting. One day as we were blocking the set designer asked if he could borrow me for a few minutes. He took me off to the workshop and said that he needed to measure my behind cause they were making a slide that we all had to go down and I was the one with the biggest bum so if I could fit it everyone else could. I also had to stress test the slide once it was built cause I was the heaviest - even though there were at least 4 blokes in the cast! I am however going to a cast reunion of that show in 2 weeks time I can't wait to see their faces!
Aww some sad stories! I've had the pregnancy one too and that was when I was a size 14!! but the lady who said it was really old so I let that one go without much thought plus I probably did look pregnant!

I can't remember any particularly nasty incidents but I do feel really embarrassed when it’s a girls night out (most months) and I think I'm looking great until we're all stood in-front of the big mirrors and I realise just how much bigger I am than everyone else and it can bring my confidence right down!

Can’t wait until I look the same J
Gawd.. iv not had many, mainley because i managed to hide my head in the sand for a long time lol.. but my worse moment must ahve been having to be taken to hospital in an ambulance after collapsing from pain in my stomach ( a problem iv ahd for years, but since loosing weight- touch wood- hasnt caused me any problems but is still un-diagnosed) .. when i came too.. i was lying on a hospital bed and the doctor was felling my tummy. with all my stretch marks and the pain i was discribing ... ( and the combination of being young and had made no effort to do my make-up that day, and had scraped my hair back LOL) asked me if i'd just given birth :O i was mortified.. she was basiclaly implying i had the body of a woman who'd recently gave birth and looked like a scummy teenage mum LOL

and my other one would be picking up OH usual bag of apple bon bons from the local tradiotonal sweetshop, ( hes rediculously skinnya nd can eat what ever he likes) i asked for £4 worth.. and the girl who was serving me was new.. and was trying to fill up a small bag which clearly wasnt big enough... and she turned to me and said ' do we usually give you a bigger bag?' .. shed never seen me before and i felt like she was implying that i came there often enough to know!

sometimes i think its the way you take what they say to you..

but im sure you can appriciate why i thought she was implying such a thing LOL

again though, i did nothing till about 6 months after LOL x
Oh god i've had many! A recent one was last year on holiday in tenerife. It's funny when i look back on it now but at the time i just wanted to run and hide! Everytime i sat on a sun lounger it broke :( the plastic couldn't take my weight and this couple noticed i broke a few and kept looking over at me i was so embarrassed! then i went to sit on my cousins chair outside her holiday apartment and one of the legs on the chair bent because of my weight! a very very embarrassing and uncomfortable holiday! it didnt help that the apartments where on a hill and we had to climb it everyday to get out, wow tell you what i felt like i had climbed a mountain by the time i got to the top, that was me done i wanted to sit and rest forever lol!
when i was about 14, i was walking around my local shopping centre and i was walk past this shop there was a man standing in the doorway and he shouted 'who ate all the pies!' i was totally gutted especially being young i didnt get why and adult would actually do that, sticks with me to this day.

i was with some people in school and a pretty 'chunky' boy was talking to me and he was like 'well i'm fat this way(frontways) but your massive this way (sideways) and even some of my friends laughed, wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then :(
one day i will see him again and have lost loads of weight, oh i how i would laugh in his face.
when i was about 14, i was walking around my local shopping centre and i was walk past this shop there was a man standing in the doorway and he shouted 'who ate all the pies!' i was totally gutted especially being young i didnt get why and adult would actually do that, sticks with me to this day.

i was with some people in school and a pretty 'chunky' boy was talking to me and he was like 'well i'm fat this way(frontways) but your massive this way (sideways) and even some of my friends laughed, wanted the ground to swallow me up there and then :(
one day i will see him again and have lost loads of weight, oh i how i would laugh in his face.

Awww hun, I know what you mean! When I was in primary school and early secondary I was bullied by these particular boys for being fat. I then moved away, lost weight and years later one of them hit on me in a club. I relished turning him down in the harshest way possible!! :D:D

You'll get your day chick :D
Having a couple of (pissed) lads sing "Fat bottomed girls" to me and a friend (who, by the way has a teeny little bottom!!!). It was only a small thing, and I know they won't even remember it, but it was such an unprovoked, mindless attack that I don't think I will ever forget it.
Being asked if i was pregnant!

It was possibly one of the worst experiences of my life because im really small up top (arms, sholders, back etc), there is nothing on me up there but my gut sticks out so im out of proportion.

Wont be this time in 2 weeks though when i have had my TT :D
We all have some horrible 'weighty' memories to deal with, and they are so hurtful that we never forget them.

Thank goodness we all found, SW, this forum and each other, now we know who our friends are and we know we will be treated with respect here.

Well done everyone, we have to keep being proud of ourselves because we sure are worth it, love it all, xxx
i have loads :(

when me and my friend were walkig through town a few years ago, two teenage boys walked past us and shouted (in front of everyone) "eww! trolls!" :eek:

in a club (again a few years ago) i walked in, and past the bar. a bloke said to his friend, pointing to me, "what about her?", and laughed :eek: and his friend raised his eyebrows and said "errr NO" :eek:

i wouldn't mind but i was only a size 14-16 at the time.. i wonder what he'd say to me now :(
I am only 4' 11" and because I suffer with arthritis I am a bit 'stooped' and of course with my weight at the moment I am as round as I am high, I have also been blessed with short legs and arms all my life.......so I get called 'the Hobbit' not by people in the street but by my hubby and son, my son is in New Zealand and when we speak to him he always asks where the Hobbit is and not Mom......bless him!!!! I think, LOL..
i would say my most embarrasing moment was when i was asked by my friends mum "are you pregnant or have you just put on a lot of weight" recently in front of a whole room full of people who all turned and looked at me and i was mortified didn't know where to put myself. She apologised after. :)
awwww donnie!!! (((hugs)))

You have a beautiful face and a very friendly looking smile. If some stupid bloke in a club couldn't see that then or now he wasn't worth it anyhow.
We had just moved and I took my daughter into playgroup for the first time. We were waiting in the entrance for it to open with all the other Mums and kids making plesantries. One 3 yr old patted my tummy and said very loudly, in an excited voice " Cor you must have loads of babies in there"
I think in general it seems to be the pregnancy question that gets most women who are over weight.

I cant wait until i have kids in the future and when i am asked if i am pregnant, i actually am!
i hate being slow or braking things its my constant worry because i dont wantpity in the past few years all i can remember braking is 1 chair (and i did jump on it) but from then on i do not sit on patio funiure i will always sit on the floor.i constantly feel people look at me as if i need help so i always feel under pressure to do better than anyone else or people will jusdt excuse me on the basis of being fat.