Whats your next goal(s)?

Current goal is to avoid the mad comfort food craving I have going on!
These were my last lot of goals posted in sept:

1. 4lb to get into 14st - DONE 11/09/14
2. 6.5lb to get 1.5 stone award - DONE 18/09/14
3. 8.5lb to club 10 - DONE 2/10/14
4. 13.5lb to 2 stone - DONE 23/10/14
5. 14lb to get out of the 200s - DONE 23/10/14

All now completed... So next goals:

1. 3lb to get into 13st
2. 5.5lb to get 2.5 stone award
3. 9lb will get me in the 180s

Just realised that i'm only 1lb away from the 2.5 stone award, so that will be my next goal, closely followed by getting to 11st! Well doen to everyone who's achieved their goals and best of luck to those that are still working towards them.
I'm setting small, mini-goals so I don't put too much pressure on myself to lose a tonne of weight at once, and it helps me keep on the plan a bit better too :)
My target is to lose 6lbs by Christmas, then in the New Year I'll be reallly motivated once Christmas is out the way to lose more weight before my holiday.

Good luck everyone :)
I want to lose 1.5 by Xmas eeek fingers crossed and good luck everyone x
My next goal is to get this 2lb gain off and then lose 1 more lb to get my 2.5 stone award.
Get back into the lower stone bracket
To get a loss my first 2 weeks-my first weigh in was a home one so I'm hoping that meeting on Thursday will show a loss, and the week after too!! x

Done :-D