When did you KNOW it was time to return to LL?


Tiny dancer

My lightbulb moment was when I found myself buying a lemon cheesecake (small! But still...) KNOWING that:

  • It was very calorific
  • It was something like the eighth high calorie food I'd eaten that week
  • I was buying it for an emotional reason, not a hunger/taste reason
  • I'd already put on weight, and it wouldn't help me maintain or lose
Knowing all these things, I bought it and ate it, and I didn't even taste it going down.

That's when I knew it was time to get back on the horse and start relearning some lessons!

When did you know?
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Hi Beeswax - I am reassured reading your post strangely. I am on day 2 of LL as a Returner and I have a lot to lost.

I knew it was time to return in August when the airplane belt would not go round me and I had to place my food tray on the seat next to me as the pull down tray would not come down in front of me.

I was also a tad frustrated when the millionth person asked me when my non-existent baby was due!

Cheesecake is only something I can dream about just now...
My lightbulb moment was when i hurt my back very seriously two months ago. I couldn't move for a week and deep down inside i knew it was because i was getting too heavy (it happened before for exact same reasons). Not to mention buying clothes that i was sure they'd fit me only to be bitterly disappointed when i attempted to put them on...
That person is on their way out for good now though :D
Mags xxx
Beeswax. :)
First - well done for realising to take action before it's too late... many don't and run away, plunging further into the world of emotional eating to counteract that initial guilt.

Second - since you've decided to take your life into your own hands again, this is the crucial part. I didn't learn from LL the first time. I got too happy and when I finished I also went to emo-eating stage. Then I had that lighbulb and I restarted. I actually learned the LL lessons this time. The first time they go a little over your head to be honest...

I'm not going to lie though, second time IS a sh*t load harder. But push through. Take it as a 'survival until next Weigh In'... that's what got me through. Just going a little bit longer, "just until" I get to group. Eventually, it clicks into place again.

All the best to you B~
God this thread applies to me! I have tried to come back sooo many times, done a few weeks and then feel off the wagon or didn't feel in the right place.

I feel i have put weight on, my clothes are tight and i'm bulging out them and i can tell people have noticed i've gained. You know when you say to people oh i must get back on my diet... and they don't really have a reply but you can tell theyre thinking 'yes you should' :(

Im at that stage now and have arranged with my LL counsillor to go back the end of this month when i get paid. I am quite excited and can't wait. I am using up old packs i have in the house (starting from today) but don't have enough to do me until i go back.

Look forward to catching up with a lot of you guys and it's great to know you're all hear for support and advice xx