When the scales say Err!

That would make a nice pair of bookends!!

Mark Owen on one side of shelf and Bruno Mars at the other end!!!

I'm really going to have to do something about my short man fixation :)
:poh I need to bite my tongue as my filthy mind could get me in trouble :D
Well that's me back in the land of TFR 100%. I've been off plan since thursday (it was planned) and according to my scales I've put about 4lb on.
I don't regret it as I did plan to do this from the beginning, its just a case of getting straight back on it ASAP.

I was 100% yesterday, so today is like my day 2 all over again. Not doing too bad wiht hunger pangs and certanly not tempted to eat all the cake that's in the staff room today :p.

I have moved my weigh in day to Friday this week to give me chance to recover from the break. So fingers crossed I can get most of the four off by then.

Keep swimming everyone!
not a problem for you lovie life gets in way sometimes of this plan but its how you plan for it. Look forward to hearing about your loss on friday xx
Thanks. I know some people would stay 100% till end. But I'm a bit worried I'll just go off the rails once I can eat.
This way I know I can have a break, eat and not go wild, then reign it back in when I need to.
I'm 100% TFR now till end of march when were away for ESster. Then I'll go back 100% till end June
After that I'll see where I am and perhaps transfere to WW to finish the job off and learn nutrition etc
Hi Dusty :)

It'll just be glycogen gain (you know that) and I'm sure will be gone, along with a good loss come Fri :) I'm very envious of the food you've eaten, and your ability to be able to come off the diet and get back on. I know I can't do that from past experience - I can get back on for a short while but never back into deep ketosis like I am now - but like you am worried that once I stop I will just eat, eat, eat. I need to work on that before I do stop!

Have a good week :) xx
Hi Jayne.
thanks for the encouragment. on my scales at home I'm now back to what I was when I went off plan last week. So hopefully when i go for my weigh in on Friday I'll have a small loss!
Fingers crossed:p
Sounds a good plan, Dusty. You are chasing me down!

I just got into some size 22 bootcut jeans from Geoprge at ASDA. How cool is that!

Have a great day.

Well done Ali :)

Dusty - Glad the scales are showing the loss now :) Am sure you'll be fine come Fri. Will you then weigh every Fri after that or go back to the Tues? (maybe a week Tues?) xx
Hi Jayne,

I'm going to stay on either Thursday or Friday! Tuesday is a real busy night for me so end of week much better.
Been for weigh in and lost 2lb. Thats technically 2lb in ten days, but as I was AWOL for four of those days, I'm happy with 2lb off!

And not I'm back 100% and raring to go.
GO ON JANE!!!! proud of my dieting sister xx
Well done Dusty! It is tough getting back into it again but once you are there it will be easy again ha! ha! as if this diet is easy!! I must admit I'm finding it tought finding some sort of eating plan that suits. Currently trying the maintenance products but I think I might have to find a slimming plan. Good luck you are doing fantastically well.
Well done :) That's not so bad considering your time out. Well done on being back into 100% as well. Roll on next week's fab loss :) xx
Do you sometimes feel events are conspiring against you to make you eat?!?

I'm tense at the moment due to PMT. Done loads housework, so getting more and more annoyed at hubby who hasn't done any!

Spent 90mins this morning going through youngest son's maths homework. Getting more and more irate with him cos he's making simple errors; but also gearing up to get annoyed with his teacher who doesn't seem to have marked his books in god knows how long!!!

Stresse out cos got a load of work to do for tomorrow, but its Sunday so I want to spend time with my mum (especially as I didn't see her last week)

And then there's all the washing that has miraculously appeared out of both sons' bedrooms and needs doing for tomorroW.

So, talked son number 1 (age 17) through "When the washer has finished, take the drying out of the dryer, put the washing in and turn it on for 60 mins. Put new stuff in the dryer and turn to cycle d. Don't forget to put washing tablet in!"

Have to be specific as last time I asked him to take the washing out and put it in the dryer, he didn't take out the load of drying that had finished, just piled the washing in on top. So result was very creased clothes and electric metre whirring round!

So I' ve just got in now, he's taken the drying out, put the washing in the dryer and then...........put the clean drying in the washer and set it off washing again!!!!!!

I think I'm going to kill him!!!!

Funny thing is though, I was pacing the kitchen in fury thinking how am i going to get everything done in time (already been to mums for couple of hours and she's coming up for dinner and then watching DOI) I automatically went straight away to the biscuit cupboard, opened it and stood looking inside deliberating what I could eat before suddenly coming to my senses.

Just shows what a trigger our emotions are!!

Anyway, off to plan the demo lesson I'm doing in Y3 for the afternoon with our most challenging class tomorrow. Trying to support the new teacher in there who is struggling with some of our "characters".

In between time, Ive got to find time to write the interview questions for tomorrow morning as we are trying to recruit a cleaner! And plan the 9 o'clok assembly!
Oh dear! Sounds like you've had a right day of it hun! :-/ I'm sorry, but I did have a little chuckle at son's washing tales. Good that you're teaching him though as once he gets the hang of it, it will be of great help to you. Boys though! lol :D

Amazing how those moments of searching for something to eat, and usually eating it, barely registering that we had done so, are so built into our subconscious. I have caught myself peering into cupboards and fridge on many an occasion whilst on this diet and feeling particularly emotionally charged. Hormones killing me here at the moment as well. TOTM due in a few days (most likely just post weigh in).

Well done you for staying strong though :) Hope you managed to get everything done in the end, and that tomorrow is a better day :) xx
Dusty ...I feel the same at times that things are consipiring against me to make me turn to food...but this diet is so changing my views on that :)

That's why cutting the food out is the best way forward for myself...take away the temptation and you know if you eat anything its wrong for the diet ~lol~

Keep strong honey and well done with your losses so far :) keep up the amazing work x x x
Sometimes our emotions are more than enough to push us to the cupboard but massive well done to you for closing it again.Keep you chin up hunny and keep up that strength xxx
Hey girl.... how are you doing? Hoping your still strong?? keep posting :D:D L xxx