When the scales say Err!

Well done Dusty and it's nice to see you're looking at it all pragmatically too. There are many reasons why we can have good and bad results each week and some are more or less obvious than others. At the end of the day we usually know if it was something that was of our own making or not - the weigh-ins are just a guide.

Having your kind of mindset is what ensures you don't lose track of the real goal and utimately that is what will get you there.

I'm glad you're back on track.
Jane quick catch up with you lovie
1 have lost phone so if you have been texting me im not ignoring you im phoneless till my replacement arrives hopefully tomorrow or tuesday over a week and a half with no phone is not good :cry:
my big news is ................ I adopted a rescue dog little sweety with some issues but could not resist her sad face and fact she had been so badly treated starved and beaten yet still wagged her tail when I went to give her a stroke,
I see you have not been well I hope your feeling better and well done you on weight loss mine has been sketchy but am back on it weigh in on monday so hopefully a decent loss to be had. So if you get a strange random text from a strange number you know it will be me :D
Jane quick catch up with you lovie
1 have lost phone so if you have been texting me im not ignoring you im phoneless till my replacement arrives hopefully tomorrow or tuesday over a week and a half with no phone is not good :cry:
my big news is ................ I adopted a rescue dog little sweety with some issues but could not resist her sad face and fact she had been so badly treated starved and beaten yet still wagged her tail when I went to give her a stroke,
I see you have not been well I hope your feeling better and well done you on weight loss mine has been sketchy but am back on it weigh in on monday so hopefully a decent loss to be had. So if you get a strange random text from a strange number you know it will be me :D

Im so pleased to hear from you!!!!!!!!I thought you'd thrown in the towel and I need my dieting sister!

i see that, even though you've had anew rou.gh weeks, you're still on the downwards trend :)

Looking forward to usual service returning. Make sure you update that diary with tomorrows weight loss. And youre still in fruit of me in the Weight loss race :sigh:
awww dolly even if I threw in the towel I would still keep in touch with you but towel is not thrown has slipped a couple of times but still firmly in place and walking wee doggy is giving me some needed exercise so its all good just nightmare with losing phone and useless phone insurance has not been forthcoming in replacing my phone useless *******
Well it feels like a long time since I wrote in this dairy. I'm still doing ok, but not broke through 5 stone mark yet!!Grrr!
Only 1 pesky pound off this week. It really affected my motivation over the weekend and I found myself picking at things I thought wouldn't affect me. Whic then led to me saying "oh stuff it" and picking at other things.

Still, gave myself a good talking too and been back TFR since Monday. I'm distracting myself by reading 50 Shades of Grey!! :ashamed0005:

Its opened my eyes to the shelterd life I've been leading, thats for sure :faint2:
Dear Dusty

Your body has done some amazing work shedding loads of lbs. So it's not suprising it's taking a short break to catch up with itsef before ploughing on downwards. In fact it is sweetly shedding a little lb a week. It is amazing you have lost 68lbs since the new year. Who knew you could do that? AWESOME! That's an average of 4.5lbs.

So I am glad you have picked yourself up, dusted yourself off, put away those deviant picking fingers of yours from picing at food things in the kithen and diverted them to shades of grey and 100%TFR again. Bonne courage and keep going - we've a Century Club to join and we can both get there.

With a huge awesome pat on the back for you and your body and your achievements to date,

OMG!!! So happy!!! Just got in a size 18 dress in Wallis. I was in a 28 just after Christmas!!!!!!

It's a loose style so wouldnt get in an 18 any where else. But got to take the victories while you can ?
FANTASTIC! I share your joy. It's amazing to shop in the main part of the shops - not being restricxted to a few racks of big clothes.

I definitely find the clothing victories better than the lbs. It is so motivating to get into the next size down. I've been slinking through ASDA bootcut jeans. I hadn't worn jeans for 25 years or more. I'm into the 16s and just got some size 14s and (whisper it quietly) some size 12s.....AMAZING. They are awaiting more shrinkage in my cupboard. I suspect I'll suspect I'll stop at 12.

Congratulations also being at that tipping point - so soon you'll have less to loose than you have already shed.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Mega congrats Dusty! It's such a great feeling to go down dress sizes, you must be so chuffed with yourself! You're an inspiration to us, don't stop swimming!
What a buzz Dusty! Well done, you must feel fab :)
FANTASTIC! I share your joy. It's amazing to shop in the main part of the shops - not being restricxted to a few racks of big clothes.

I definitely find the clothing victories better than the lbs. It is so motivating to get into the next size down. I've been slinking through ASDA bootcut jeans. I hadn't worn jeans for 25 years or more. I'm into the 16s and just got some size 14s and (whisper it quietly) some size 12s.....AMAZING. They are awaiting more shrinkage in my cupboard. I suspect I'll suspect I'll stop at 12.

Congratulations also being at that tipping point - so soon you'll have less to loose than you have already shed.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,


Many thanks Ali, you're always so supportive.

I had an amzing weekend. Had a spa break with bessie mate. Went to the Last Drop at Bolton. The spa there is lovely and they have pool that's half inside and half outside. So we were sat in the pool in the sunsine! Does life get any better? Made even more pleasing by the fact that on the friday it suddenly dawned on me that my swimmng costume would eb too big (which it was) so I had to buy one 4 sizes smaller than the one I wore the last time we went. :eek:

We also went to the Trafford centre on the Sunday afternoon and had make overs at the Bobbie Brown counter! I bought a really pink lipstick (think TOWIE but a bit toned down) whihc I would never have worn before, but the girls on the counter said really suited me. They couldn't believe how much weight I'd lost and refused to eblieve that the pictures on my mobile of me were me !!
Mega congrats Dusty! It's such a great feeling to go down dress sizes, you must be so chuffed with yourself! You're an inspiration to us, don't stop swimming!

Many thanks for your kind words.

start.jpg Going from this to this middle.jpg Is what keep me going for the next 5 stone!!
Hi Daisy,

i'm back!!! I'm ok thnks for asking. Last week was very fed up because even though stuck to diet I actually gained nearly 2 pound. Felt very sorry for myself. But stupidly instead of coming on here, having a rant, getting support and carrying on, I went on a bit of a bender involving lots of alcohol! Any how, managed to reign myself back in and get back on plan by Monday and so was pleased to go to the chemists this morning and I'd lost 5lb. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so so pleased to be back on the plan, as the feeling of being out of control was not one I enjoyed.

I'm now working on my ,aster plan of getting my husband to agree to us going abroad this summer. He's not one for holidays, seeing them as a bit of a waste of money. We usually go every other year on a big family holiday with his brother and his family. But this year they are celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary and are off to the states. So its just us.

Hubby wants a new roof on the house, I want a week on the beach. Let battle commence!!! My biggest strategy is....."I can't beleive you would watch me lose all this weight and not want to take me for a holiday to reward me!"


just keeping swimming!!
Well done for getting a grip ...and boy, you do deserve to be somewhere lovely and warm this summer.