When you have to lose half of yourself...

haha you should get jillian on your hubby too im sure she wouldnt mind

i find that each time i do the 30 day shred i do say " i hate you jillian" atleast once

my legs arent that sore today sort of a younger granny today :D my obliques are sore but awkk welll
totally need motivation to actually do this one todayy

i know what you mean about the highs and the lows, drama queens are a family trait of mine lol

well done on the weightloss :D
my scales are rubbish and i seem to have maybe plateau'd cant seem to get past the 17stone 3 mark it did say 17 stone 1 the other day but i dunnoo
might go to the docs tomorrow to see if im healthy n all that, people keep saying in these fitness programs that you should visit your doctor, but what do you say? lol im fat, help?

wow this is a bit of a rant sorry :(
I had an awful day at work basically I work in an office and I had a mind splitting headache which everyone seemed to have a a couple of people went home with it.

Anyway so they decided to make me walk the floor to help coach the people who were taking the calls if they need help. So my legs are killing as I have been on them for the past 5 hours and I went over my kcals by about 300 today, worst day as it is weigh in tomorrow.

So I have had a flat day too, I am fed up and I still have my headache. I was thinking about doing some sit ups ect but I am not sure I can be bothered.
Poor Trixtabella, it's really awful. I used to have some headaches at the start of the diet but I was very lucky as I was home so I could just go and lie down. I don't know how I'd have coped if I had been at work :( I hope it'll be better today. I know drinking helps with headaches as often headaches mean we're dehydrated. But if you say that several people got a headache at the same time, it could be a little virus going around. Or air con.
Today is another day girl and the sun is shining: for how long? I don't know, that's why I rushed to do the laundry so I can dry as many clothes as possible outside :)

My muscles are so sore this morning again. Level 2 of the Shred is definitely harder than Level 1. My arms and bum especially are wondering what's happening to them :D Although it seems to work, I find it harder and harder to motivate myself to do the shred everyday. It's like I know the pain I'll have to go through and it takes me ages to get motivated :confused: What a lazy so and so I am :rolleyes: But I'll do it, although my 3 day rest told me that sometimes, taking a day off can be beneficial.

Day 44 today. In a month I should see my family again. let's see if I can fit into a size 18 by then......
im the same, i cant seem to motivate myself and i thought it was just me lol

you can do it girl, if you believe it you can achieve it :D

Yes JIllian! Er.... sorry... Perpleo :p

I did it this afternoon but I put a hairband around my head as yesterday I was dripping with sweat :eek:

I feel so good right after though!
Well, just when I say I'm doing well, I pull something at the back of my thigh!!!! :cry: It's not too painful, but no jumping and kicking for me till Monday. I will do my abs and arms exercises though.

The nurse told me it's either I rest my leg or I could really injure myself and not be allowed to exercise for a week :eek:

Maybe I need to warm up my legs a bit more than Jillian tells us. :confused:
I lost 6lbs this week, and that is despite not being able to exercise :cool: I'm so so happy.

I got rid a bin bag full of clothes that are now too big. I first wanted to keep them as they can still be worn and look OK but then I said NO. They remind me of my old me and anyway I have plenty others that were too small before :D
Hi, just came across this and I too really need to lose half of me. I have started by using celebrity slims 8 week challenge. Your weight loss will inspire me :)
Hi, just came across this and I too really need to lose half of me. I have started by using celebrity slims 8 week challenge. Your weight loss will inspire me :)

Hi Angie! Thanks for your kind words :) What is celebrity slim? Is it like WW or is it a low cal diet?

I really don't understand where these 6lbs come from... Not that I complain! And this morning, I actually notice how much I have lost when I looked in the mirror. I usually avoid the mirror, which is hard given that our wardrobe doors are full length mirror. But while I was making the bed this morning, I saw myself from the other side of the room and actually thought: OMG! I can't believe how much I've lost :eek: Obviously, I still have a lot to lose, and losing it is only one part of the battle. Re-feeding and maintenance will be the true challenge but still, not bad after a few weeks :D

I really have to go to the charity shop with all my clothes. I even have a bag full of rags as they sell it for money as well. At the moment, I don't have that many clothes to wear actually as I'm still too tight in size 20 trousers (except 2 pairs of M&S trousers) and still a bit too tight for size 18 tops (so I had to keep the size 20 which are a bit baggy but OK). I have so many clothes in so many different sizes :eek:

As I said previously, what I find really hard is the getting rid of clothes that are slightly too big. They aren't baggy but a little big. And I just cling to them thinking "but what if". I can't allow myself to have such thoughts!!

I hope everything is doing OK. I haven't done the Shred yet, my thigh is still really sore. Yesterday in the car, I was in agony in sharp bends: I never noticed how we contract our muscles when we drive... Or is it just me?
Oh, and today I've been married for 4 months :D

If everything goes according to plan, I should be at my target weight for our anniversary and should hopefully be well into re-feeding and maintenance. If we had the money, I would go to Crete again as husband and I are real Ancient History geeks and there is a lot to visit there. :)