Who are you dieting for?

For myself, for my other half too so he doesn't have to listen to me complaining about my weight all the time. Also, a little bit for my family, as I have seen my sisters, 7 and 9 years older than me, stay beautifully skinny all their lives, even during pregnancies.. Then again, am I doing that for myself, so I can look all slim like them? *sigh*
Losing weight 4 me!!! To feel good about myself -- I can tackle this challeneg of FINALY RIDDING myself of all the emotional baggage I have been lugging around for for nearly 20 years!
For myself, I want to look good in a swimming costume and to feel fit again.:D And I want to be able to buy stylish clothes from (any) high street shop not just buy what fits!! :cool:
ME! I want to be the best I can be, and get the most out of life, and I feel being overweight is setting me back from my dreams, and it's controlled the most part of my life....and I just wont have it any longer!!!!!!

Plus I'm hoping it may help me with my issues of low self-asteem, zero confidence, complete sense of worthlessness as I'm pretty sure it's been a pretty big factor in causing them from childhood upwards!

But if not, I will just have to settle for being able to fit in a pretty size 10 dress/fitted jeans. And not wanting to hide every part of my body. Even when the weather is roasting!
For me; so I can live a healthy and long life watching my daughter grow up, develop her life and hopefully have children of her own.
I can't tell you how much I want to do this, but there is something inside me which is just holding me back and I am hugely frustrated by my inability to sort myself out once and for all!

I will do this though and I will do this for me.

Rachael, tell me what is holding you back- or what kind of signs are there that something is?

I wish I knew... I think partly it is to do with the amount of weight I have to lose - it just seems such an insurmountable amount and I've tried to do LL & CD, WW, SW more times than I can remember.

I do try to break it down to half stone and stone goals, but when you have 15 stone to lose it takes about 4 stone before people notice anything.

Realistically I know it took a long time to put the weight on, and it will take a long time to come off, I have looked into WLS but would rather lose weight myself (even though clearly I can't).

I haven't got anyone banging on at me about my weight, its just me. Maybe I don't care enough about it, I think I do, but if I cared, surely I would have committed to it by now?

I am genuinely deeply unhappy how I feel about my weight, and it is affecting me emotionally and physically, so I need to sort myself out.

How on earth do I do it?

Have you got clothes you want to fit back into? anything to lok forward to...hol?wedding?night out?
why not set little goals as you say then treat yourself to a new pair of shoes, hair do every goal you set. Even, dare I say, a nice meal out?
Then at least you have something to aim for.
Its hard but you have to want to do this for yourself and not becuase you feel you need to lose weight for appearances sake.

Find yourself a good plan you think you can follow and get yourself planning planning and more planning. Plan your meals in advance (i do mine weekly) and most of all feel motivated and excited about starting this new chapter of your life where you WILL lose weight xxxxx

Im losing weight for my size 12 jeans ;)
Hi Vicky.

I don't have a specific goal at the moment, so perhaps I need to set one? I have tried the mini goals but when I've tried it in the past there was so many of them they became "yeah yeah whatever" (I think in the past I had the attitude of a mardy teenager)

I've reached the point where I HAVE to do something, as I say, my weight is affecting me physically (having always been relatively fit, it now annoys me that I can't give it my all in the gym) and I am bored of being fat and only being able to shop in a handful of places.

I've got all the current diet plans from all diets (embarrasingly I go for the first week, try it, and then give up - willpower is needed here!) but I am leaning strongly towards Slimming World as that is how I envisage I would like to be eating in the future - lots of fresh food, and the odd treat now and then. I've had it in my mind for a week ro two that I will start this on Monday (cliche...but bear with me) because I am off work and have the house to myself so I can really get my head into gear and work out my plan of action.

Essentially this is a plan, and a lifelong one. But I have to stick to this, and commit to making this work, otherwise I will still be wittering on about this in a year. I know it is going to take me at least a year to shift most of the weight I want to lose. This is a journey of a million miles, but I am finding taking the first step quite a challenge.

Good for you. get lots of meals made up and frozen too to save time and to stop yourself thinking ...oh I cant be bothered ill just grab something from shop/takeaway etc(well thats what I do anyway!)
Can you get rid of anything naughty in the house that might tempt or do you have OH/Kids???

Set yourself a goal now. Half a stone....new shoes/dvd/cd????
Thanks Vicky

I am house sitting for a friend for the next two weeks, so getting into dieting will be soooo much easier (long story - currently between homes!)

I am going to set myself a series of goals this afternoon so that I do have something to work towards and something to look forward to.

I'll post them on my diary later....

good luck Rach, sounds like you've got to that point where you really want to do it this time. I know I have and finally I've forgiven myself for being overweight and now just want to sort it. we can do it together!
good luck girls xxxxx
Hi Rachael
I do know how daunting 15stone seems. I lost 12stone which is not thatmuch different.
Previously it all seemed impossible and I didn't mind being "big"all the time I felt fit and healthy, but gradually that changed and eventually I realised I had been kidding myself that I was okay -all the while changes were happening.
I had less energy, I became unhappy and irritable, what I thought was witty was often quite cutting and hurtful, my temper was quick. I kept going to bed early, I couldn't be bothered to do anything or go anywhere, I got breathless, I wore black, boring cover up clothes and flat comfy shoes, I got sore feet, backache and chest infections - I could go on.
I decided to try LL having "not believed in dieting" for about 25 years. I had gradually got bigger and bigger. I gave up on myself on the inside, but put on a good show. Nobody else realised how I felt about myself.
I didn't care what other people thought. I started losing weight to try and feel jore healthy because I was worried I would lose my job due to being off sick.
You are right. nobody else started to notice until I'd lost about 3 stone, but I noticed almose immediately. My skin, hair and nails improved. I started to sleep better, I had more energy, my underwear didn't cut into me quite so much. Quite quickly EVERYTHING started to get better - and quickly. I had a very good LLC. she and my group helped me start to care about myself again.
I lost 12 stone in just over 10 months.
A year from now you could be at goal.
LL is the best thing that ever happened to me. My life is transformed.
Good luck whatever you decide to do.
Rach rather thank focussing on what you need to lose or what diet to do why not get on amazon and buy some cookbooks that show you how to do good healthy food, calorie counted. I found Mary Berry's complete cookbook a Godsend. It's HUGE.

Oh and have protein in the morning, an omelette, egg on toast, a good cheese on seeded bread and a pot of tea. Eat lots and eat well, you'll be amazed how much you can fit in on 2000 calories.

I'm in a weird situation where I actually crave decent food now, never thought I'd get like that. Plus I have a curry or a kebab every week and a bar of chocolate when necessary. Mostly though I want good quick easy filling food. I feel for you regards your knees, I have that problem too but time and patience with yourself will sort it too, start feeding yourself well instead of depriving yourself. If you've a lot to lose Leslie Sansone's walking dvds could help you.

Wishing you only the best. :D