Why am I out of Ketosis?


Tough But Sexy X
I checked out if i was still in ketosis this morning only to find I am not. I am really confused, I am 4 weeks in and have been 100% abstinent since I started LLT, I drink at least 4 litres a day of water.......help!!!!

What can I do to make sure I stay in ketosis? I am feeling very dispondent today now and wished I had not checked it, I am even wondering if thats why this weeks weightloss was only 3lb.....arghhhhhhh! :cry:x
Have you done anything differently or drunk anything different? I doubt you're out of ketosis sweet, esp if you've stuck to it 100%. Don't get upset about it. Stay possitiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xx :D
Hmm... had you just drunk a large amount of water hunny? If I have, sometimes my stix don't show any ketones either... then, little pee an hour later, and they're back again! :)

Try in a bit... sure they're there! All the stix show is how many ketones there are in your urine, so it's possible there are no excess due to either exercising, or maybe just being very diluted so don't show... Doesn't mean there are none in your system, so could still be in ketosis...

Hope that helps, and don't panic...

Oh, and a 3lb weight loss is the average loss babes, so don't worry, it's a good result! :D

Thanks ladies, I havent done anything different at all which is why I am struggling to understand it. I drink constantly throughout the day so it could be a diluted reading, thats the only thing that makes sense from the advice you have offered.

Might drop in Sat and get weighed just to put my mind at rest becuase I dont want to fret until next WI (Tuesday). I think I am just eager to lose the weight and becuase I have failed with every other diet, today I am now assuming this one will too. Which is not like me because normally I am very upbeat and focused on what I want!

Right got that bit of negativity out the way, I'm not going to worry about it. Thanks again xx
Hey TB - don't despair!! If I recall correctly, a person can drop in and out of ketosis several times in a day - probably for some of the reasons described above - so whilst the pee stix say you are not, the fact you have been 100% abstinant makes it impossible for you not to be.

Why are you testing yourself? If you are abstinant, you should not need to - and what it can do is cause uneccesary stress, upset and worry. ;)

I would say put the stic away, and do them at class and carry on like you have been. :)

OOOhhh BL I feel thoroughly told off lol.

I will step away from the pee stix and not use them again, actually I dont know why I did it, must have been something I red that triggered the thought I hadnt done one for a while lol.I am so easily led lol. :)

Sorry, I was teasing, terrible sense of humour I know x

I really do appreciate all the support from everyone in helping me make this as pleasant and as easy as possiblexxxxxxxxxxxxx