Why are you trying to lose weight?

I ate like a pig all my life and even more while I was pregnant. I'm so embarrassed with the way I've done things. I'm glad I've finally kicked my but into gear :)
Texty_F said:
I have been a yo yo dieter for years, I told myself i would have the weight off for my daughters wedding last december ..... I didnt I just kept telling myself I would. When i looked at the wedding photos I thought right that's it im sick of being the biggest girl in the pic. So I started going to Zumba classes 3 times a week which I loved, but by enjoying it so much and putting my heart and sole into it I crushed a nerve in my foot and got a condition called plantar fascitis... painful and it meant I had to stop the classes, hence gaining weight again as I wasn't as active. Now my doc has told me ... your body is like scaffolding the more weight you put on it the more chance there is of it collapsing. Im now in the zone and the right frame of mind to do this. Im off to Mexico in April and want to be at target for my holiday

You sound like me wanted to lose weight before I turned 50,didnt happen,also damaged my foot doing zumba and had to give it up too:-( found a diary from last year and am now a stone heavier,but still stone and a half lighter from my heaviest. So am losing weight fir my health
No. 1 reason is for health - after watching my nan suffer a series of strokes over the last 5 years that robbed her of her independance, her mind and finally her life last Christmas.

That was my final wake up call. I realised that could be me in 20-30 years and I didn't want that for myself or my family :(

I'm happy to say that I have now reduced my chances of this happening. I went to my GP last week for blood test results, after worrying tests back in January made me realise I was going down the same road. All my results are now at healthy levels, especially my cholesterol which had been heading into the danger zone.
I'm training to be a doctor and I don't want to feel like a hypocrite saying people have to lose weight when I do myself, so that's my main reason why I'm trying to lose weight.
First reason health, at 23 my knees creak like I'm 103 :( but mainly because I'm young I do want to look good. Feel confident to grab an outfit out of my wardrobe to put on and feel happy. To not try on everything and not like how any look, cry and not go out.
Mainly for health reasons. I turned 30 last year and it hit me that I want to be around to see my girls grow up. We also want to have another baby. I had problems with both pregnancies and although they weren't weight related I want to be as healthy as possible if we are lucky enough to have a third child.
Family history of diabetes and also heart attacks (my mum died suddenly 5 yrs ago at just 61). I also 'never have anything to wear' despite a wardrobe full of clothes because I only wear big things that cover me up and getting dressed up to go out has began to depress me as I don't feel good in anything. Also I live 10 metres from the beach and hate to be seen wearing a swimsuit (even by my friends) which impacts on fun activities.
I have so many reasons to want to lose weight the list is endless!! The main ones are that I've recently been told I have PCOS and it will be very difficult for me to have any more children (I have one already), I also have diabetes in my family and am pretty sure I'm on the verge of getting it. I'm becoming anti social and hardly do anything with my daughter. I also want to be able to buy nice clothes that I actually like instead of the small plus size selection of clothes that I hate!!! Fingers crossed I stick to it this time. Xx
Its nice to just get ready and pick up anything that i don't have to think its big enough and slimming and will cover my body up, worst feeling when i have to buy clothes because i want to cover up not because their pretty.
and also when i see girls wearing pretty little dresses whilst i wear something black with black tights as usual, gets boring after a while :(
I just feel like I take up too much room lol
I turn 50 next year eek! and I just don't want to waste any more time being unhappy about my weight. I didn't have a weight issue until I turned 40 and have spent nearly a whole decade unhappy about my weight :cry:
I've always been fit and healthy. I could run 10k while being overweight. But I just wanted to look and feel sexy. So that is why I'm doing jr. Rather vein lol
I just want to experience things rather than do them if that makes any sense?!! I've done do many wonderful things over the past few years but I've felt like I'm going through the motions rather than throwing myself into them. This is because of my weight and the way I feel about myself. I want to enjoy my life and not waste it worrying about covering my tummy!
Millions of reasons!!! To be fitter, healthier, have more confidence, to get up and dance at nights out rather than feel like i stick out like a sore thumb!! To buy nice clothes and the one thing i really wanna do is have a sideline job as a singer(have never admitted this to anyone) i would love to be in a band and play trendy clubs!! That is my main goal as i wouldnt dream of being able to do this just now as i dont have the confidence!! Xx