Why is fat free yogurt free but not skimmed milk?


Full Member
I've always been confused by this. As yogurt is made from milk does anyone know why we have a strict allowance for milk but can have as much syn free yogurt as we like?:confused:
That's just the way it is, and that's what works. Dont question it, just do it - simples :)
I've always been confused by this. As yogurt is made from milk does anyone know why we have a strict allowance for milk but can have as much syn free yogurt as we like?:confused:

You can't have as much syn free yoghurt as you like, its everything in moderation. I don't question SW's rules I just follow them, I let them do all the work! :)
Think its just maybe that you get filled up from eating yoghurt and generally have it with superfree etc

Milk is easy to just drink the calories without filling up, think that's all it is :)
Milk still has fat in, even skimmed milk has a little bit in, so its not fat free (only fat-free natural yoghurt is free).

But I think its probably more what sparklesazzy says, itd be so easy to down it in pints if milk was unlimited, whereas yoghurt just comes in a small pot and you eat it with a spoon, so its already setting boundaries on how much you'll eat in one go and how fast you'll eat it (like wholw fruit being free but whizzed fruit synned). Even the big Muller lights you'd need nearly two and a half to correspond to one HEX of milk and most people arent going to eat more than two and a half Mullers in one sitting, or even in a day, whereas you could easily drink several HEXes of milk just in one glass.

Just a guess though.
Thanks for the replies. I've been following SW long enough now to know you shouldn't question SW it just works, but I'm afraid that's not in my nature, too nosy you see. I've just been making yogurt and noticed the skimmed milk I was using was labelled fat free, so I still don't get it, maybe I'll send an e-mail to them. I hear of people eating loads of yogurts a day but wondered why this wasn't restricted.
I think its because you get the satisfaction and the eating mechanism when eating a yogurt but as everyone else has said you could quite easily drink loads of milk and not be satisfied :) x x
Thats incorrect btw if you check out mullerlight on the website syns reference tool you will see that many mullerlights are still free so please be sure you are giving out the correct information as it can really mess people up who are new.

My advice is not to listen to anyone on forums regarding syn values and to use the slimming world tools they provide on the website.

That is your source of information not other people who may well be getting it wrong

Milk still has fat in, even skimmed milk has a little bit in, so its not fat free (only fat-free natural yoghurt is free).

But I think its probably more what sparklesazzy says, itd be so easy to down it in pints if milk was unlimited, whereas yoghurt just comes in a small pot and you eat it with a spoon, so its already setting boundaries on how much you'll eat in one go and how fast you'll eat it (like wholw fruit being free but whizzed fruit synned). Even the big Muller lights you'd need nearly two and a half to correspond to one HEX of milk and most people arent going to eat more than two and a half Mullers in one sitting, or even in a day, whereas you could easily drink several HEXes of milk just in one glass.

Just a guess though.
Thats incorrect btw if you check out mullerlight on the website syns reference tool you will see that many mullerlights are still free so please be sure you are giving out the correct information as it can really mess people up who are new.

My advice is not to listen to anyone on forums regarding syn values and to use the slimming world tools they provide on the website.

That is your source of information not other people who may well be getting it wrong

Sorry Paul, not quite sure who or what this is aimed at?
I think you have taken Erm's words out of context. She meant in regards to milk and yoghurt, only fat free natural yoghurt is free.
it was aimed at the comment that only fat free natural yoghurts are free, as per the quote i linked in my message
My advice is not to listen to anyone on forums regarding syn values and to use the slimming world tools they provide on the website.

If you're not a member in class or online you can't log on to the SW website hence why people use this site to find syn values! If someone answers a query & is unsure whether the reply is totally accurate they'll say so, in which case it's up to the person asking whether or not they take the advice.
ok for the sake of argument i will say i may have miscontrued what ermintrude said however i stand by my point that the ONLY place to get a 100% accurate reference of syn values if on the SW website.

If people choose not to attend a group or do the online SW they technically arent following SW anyway
If people choose not to attend a group or do the online SW they technically arent following SW anyway

SW is about diet, what we eat & put into our bodies. As long as you keep up to date & stick you a plan you are following SW. Some people can't afford to go to class every week or pay online. There are plenty of helpful people who use this site to keep others in the 'know' & answer questions, that's the point of minimins.
Well i wouldnt try to teach my children from home would you? because i dont know the full curriculum of school these days.....

And you can all try to shoot my point down as much as you like but SW is constantly evolving too so my point still stands. The only place for 100% up to date and accurate syn values is on the website.

SW is about diet, what we eat & put into our bodies. As long as you keep up to date & stick you a plan you are following SW. Some people can't afford to go to class every week or pay online. There are plenty of helpful people who use this site to keep others in the 'know' & answer questions, that's the point of minimins.
Well i wouldnt try to teach my children from home would you? because i dont know the full curriculum of school these days.....

And you can all try to shoot my point down as much as you like but SW is constantly evolving too so my point still stands. The only place for 100% up to date and accurate syn values is on the website.

Sorry but plenty of children are homeschooled, the parents are provided with the correct information so that they can teach their children from home.

Plenty of people on here follow SW without attending a class or having an online membership, because people who do have access to SW online are able to provide information to people on here.

You could also follow SW using the magazine, and not attend a class or pay for online membership. You don't need the class or SW online to follow the diet.

And btw, SW online does not have all of the up to date information. This has been proven recently with the addition of weight watchers petit pans as a healthy extra - classes were told before SW updated their healthy extra list online.
Strangely enough Paul, I did just that. I have a son with Asperger's syndrome and school was doing a lot of damage. I took him out of school to teach him when he was 10, he's now 17 and about to start college and was signed off by the county council with a glowing report. Don't under estimate what we are all capable of. back on track to SW I do see your point but I have done it both ways as at times I just did not have the money and with the support and help of other people I did just fine at home. Unfortunatly due to other issues the weight went back on and I've now joined online which I am enjoying and it's much easier to have info on tap.
Well i wouldnt try to teach my children from home would you? because i dont know the full curriculum of school these days.....

And you can all try to shoot my point down as much as you like but SW is constantly evolving too so my point still stands. The only place for 100% up to date and accurate syn values is on the website.

That is the EXACT point of this site Paul. To answer questions, queries, syn values, help people move along. If someone can't log on to find a syn value they rely on all the lovely people here to help them, that's why people are on here!!

I've been to two classes in the past & at both newbies joined saying they'd already lose some weight at home before joining a class, if the Consultant had said to them "actually you've not been doing SW properly because you didn't do it online or at class" it would have been very discouraging.

This site is consisent with accurate information because the majority do research before posting. In fact there are a few posts where people state they've had to email SW because things on the official site aren't easy to understand & therefore need clairification. On those occasions those ladies on here know more than what's on the SW site!

And just to add - Ermintrude did say "just a guess" so like I said, she didn't say her comment was accurate.
This site is full of opinion, speculation and personal experience - the whole one banana/mullerlight a day thing springs to mind, as does "better losses on red" or "having a treat day and still losing so it doesn't matter" - but that's what it's all about isn't it? An online discussion about what works for others which you maybe wouldn't get at group!!
If I told my consultant I had one slice of granary bread because it's about 120 cals and counted it as a B choice she'd go mad, but people on here understand, some will nod in agreement, some will say it's not following the plan. It's not fact, it's my opinion.

This site can't be taken as fact, unless someone is saying "how many syns in xyz" but we are all grown up enough to know this and if you want to try things people suggest then that's just fine.

I think the answer to the original question has been found but I think it's down to satiety levels, that which Ermintrude explained rather well, and the fact that it's just the rules!!!

*gets off soap box and goes to make coffee*