Discover WI 20 Loss 6.25lb - 23lb since Dec 30th

Shredded Wheat - 4
Toast - 3


Over but walking to work and back tomorrow (due to the snow) will sort that :)
Holy crap...I'm an accountant and I counted 2 points extra during the day yesterday! I have no idea how I managed it! I wasn't at 15.5, I was at 13.5. So I ended up at 20.5! :D

Porridge - 3
Cereal bar - 1.5
Banana - 1

Salad and dressing - 1
Popcorn - 1
Jelly - 0

Rice and veg - 5
Bread - 4
Jelly - 0

16.5 (I've double checked!!!)
Lol Ur gas!! Better to be under than over!! Did u freeze walking to and 4m work? Pretty cold over here!
Lol Ur gas!! Better to be under than over!! Did u freeze walking to and 4m work? Pretty cold over here!

I didn't walk in the end, chose to drive as the snow wasn't as bad as had been anticipated
Toast - 3
Jelly - 0

Friday eh! :D Going to a concert tonight part of Celtic Connections in Glasgow! Can't wait, beer o'clock!

Porridge - 3
Cereal bar - 1.5
Banana - 1

Salad and dressing - 1
Popcorn - 1
Jelly - 0

Pasta and sauce - 6
Bread - 5
Jelly - 0

Will u be sporting a kilt 4 d concert? Get Ur dancjng shoes on as Ul bop til ya
Sounds like Uve a gr8 night of entertainment ahead of u!! Njoy!
Haha, no kilt! Although my brother was in his having came straight from another gig!

Wee bit fragile headed today! But been out a walk and craving bizarre foods so;

Mushy peas - 0
Roast onions - 0
Toast - 3
Spare chive crisps - 2
Jelly - 0

Bread - 6
Ravioli and veg - 5
Jelly - 0

Except in the cold! :O

Shreddies- 4
Jelly - 0

Hehe yes the term chilly on the willy comes to mind lol. Enjoy your walk X

Haha, saying nothing!

Was a good walk though, nice weather for it!

Soup - 2
Toast - 1
Jelly - 0

Steak - 5
Roast potatoes - 5
Roast onions - 0

Shreddies - 4
Jelly - 0

Hi, I am here to subscribe. I am also following the old points as I know it works for me. x
Welcome aboard :)


Porridge - 3
Cereal bar - 1.5
Banana - 1

Salad and dressing - 0
Popcorn - 1
Jelly - 0

Noodles and veg - 5
Bread - 2
Jelly - 0
