ProPoints Wife/Mother/Student/Looser


Silver Member
I did have a food diary but it's slipped into the depths of Minimins

So this is my new one :D

Bit about me...

I am currently 23 1/4 years young, I have 2 little monsters and a pain in the ass husband.
Im currently studying with the OU and setting up a business (Anyone need any antenatal classes?!)

I've found WW is the only diet that fits into my hectic lifestyle, and lets me eat chocolate yum yum!

I always seem to hit the ground running then loose motivation. Im hoping being a daily poster in here along with my diary will help me keep track.
Missed breakfast today so had what they call 'Brunch'

Homemade crustless quiche and baked beans (bit rubbery and high in PPs so won't be doing this again!) 16pp

Sunbites 4pp
Chocolate and nut bar 3pp

WW sauages, tomato based sauce, 60g spaghetti 12pp

Meringue nest, WW yog & banana 2pp

4 rye bread and 40g r.f pate 6pp


Job done!
Wow, you sound almost identical to me, haha. I too am a mother of 2, 25, wife to be next June and doing a BA degree with the OU. So I completely know what you mean when you say hectic!

I have tried every diet under the sun and am back with WW determined to succeed. Slimming World was good but not quite enough discipline so I am hoping, correction, I KNOW this time I will succeed!

Good luck, I shall be following your journey :) x

Im not aiming to complete a degree with OU (not at the moment anyway!) I'm doing two modules so I can apply for Midwifery. It's my dream so for once I'm going to get off my backside and follow something through to the end.

I was never any good at SW either, when they say that you can eat unlimited pasta and loose weight - they LIE!

How are your wedding plans going?

Just found out I have an invite to an wedding evening do for the start of May. 10 weeks or so away, still gonna be a lump but I aim to be a slighter smaller one than I am now!
Oh, that's fantastic! Good luck with that, sounds exciting! I am sure you can do it!

I agree about SW, you still need to be controlled and "know" when you're full, I can't be trusted with that :D

Wedding plans are... Yeah, going ok :D It is all a bit overwhelming, we have got venue booked, photographer almost booked, caterer booked, dress found, guest list together. That's about it. Now need to get my weight sorted and do everything else!

That is good news, will be something to keep you motivated! I am sure you will see a difference in weight as well as inches and you will be smaller!!!
I was never a massive fan of wedding planning, I think it was because of the costs involved!

Well this week I lost a MASSIVE 0.75lb. So I need to be really careful with food, and start up some exercise. I think I'm quite lucky I got so far without it but obviously I want decent numbers so gonna have to work for them!

Really fancy fish and chips tonight so that is what Im going to have!

This weeks plans

* Drink atleast 2L sugar free squash per day
** 3 hours Exercise

Todays plan is as follows:

2x Belvita breakfast biscuits

GFY Chicken Hotpot 9pp
2x Kiwi

2x battered fish fillet 16pp
150g GFY chips 6pp
Peas 2pp

Meringue nest 1pp
WW Yog 0pp
Fruit 0pp

4x Rye bread 4pp
40 RF pate 2pp

Daily 40/40

Weekly 4/49
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Few changes to make to today, picked at the kids fish :doh:

So still doing ok-ish. Drank my liquids. No exercise today, I won't get any done tomorrow as it's me and the kiddies all day and I really need to get some maths done!

Have a volunteering coffee morning on Thursday, home to have lunch then were going for a walk round the forest. Hubby is off so it will be nice for us to all go out. Weather permitting!!!
I weigh in on the first of every month for a little challenge Im having and had dropped another 2lbs overnight :/ Will keep this weeks weight the same and hope for a decent one next week. I knew that 0.75 must of been a dudd!

Not planning on using any weeklies, got some nice dinners coming up so want to save them for then. Yum yum!


2 Belvita cereal and milk biscuits 3pp
WW Yog 1pp
Banana 0pp

GFY Tikka Masala 11pp
Pitta bread 4pp
Sun bites 4pp
2 kiwis 0pp

Egg noodles 6pp
Pork loin steak 5pp
Veg 0pp

4 Rye bread 4pp
40g RF pate 2pp
Peaches 0pp

Umm yesterday didn't go so well!

I ended up having Dominos coming to 48pp!!!

But still managed to be within weeklies as I had quite alot left.

But that is not the end of it...I had 2 slices this morning and a cookie :doh:

I don't feel crappy and bloated like I normally do the day after a pig out. Im quite surprised actually!

Once I've figured out what Im gonna have for lunch tea I'll update x
I love my kids but I really wish they didn't have to share their germs - I didn't get to lunchtime without being sick. Still managed a 3 mile walk though - thought that would be better than doing 30 day shred!


2x Belvita breakfast biscuits 3pp

Asda GFY Chicken Hotpot 9pp
2. Kiwi 0pp
I just picked all day yesterday, I couldnt eat a full meal - no way! I actually ended up going over my weeklies by 2pp. But not bad. Just need to get to Tuesday now without any weeklies!


No breakfast

Asda GFY Tikka Masala 11pp
Pitta 4pp
Sunbites 4pp

Chicken 6pp
Rice 4pp
Peas and Sweetcorn 2pp
So juicy1pp
Meringue Nest 1pp

33/40 PPs

Struggle with water Thurs/Fri because of being sick. Don well today. Need to do 1.5hours more exercise this week. Starting with 30 day shred tonight. Will report back!
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Entered the APs into the tracker and it's taken 2 away for the 2pps I went over on my weeklies so I have 1AP left so far will have 4AP by the end of today. Though not sure whether I should eat them or not? I eat all my other ones (barr yesterday but I as so tired I just wanted to go to bed!)

Im going to do Day 2 now and then have breakfast. Think I'm going to have beans on toast as I really fancy it, lunch is a read meal. Getting couscous this week and will be having left over bits from dinner for lunch to keep PPs down. I really think I need to sort my portion sizes out so hopefully not having 2 will help haha!


2x biscuits 4pp

GFY Hotpot 9pp
Sunbites 4pp

Beef stroganoff 11pp

4x Rye Bread 4pp
40 RF Pate 2pp
41g Twirl Bites 6pp

40/40 Dailies
51/51 Weeklies
0/1 APs
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Edited today.

Not sure what Im going to do about exercise. Maybe do it every other day? I've had today 'off' as I did alot of walking this morning. I don't want to do too much and get bored, which I know will happen!

Tomorrow morning Im cleaning upstairs, then Im going to do the shred. Not sure If I'll do it everyday or every other day, it's been a bit of a funny one today. But Im defo doing it tomorrow. I really need to find an 'outlet' I did really enjoy Zumba but the dvds and game is so expensive and I haven't really got money for the classes. Not at £4 a go! I would like to get into running, but really get in to it. I could do with something stress busting!

Enough moaning! Im going to watch Homeland then head to bed with 'Guide to childbirth' Should be interesting....
So my week resets at midnight - I managed my water everyday (barr the day it wouldn't stay down!) and I have done 2.5 hours of active exercise. Im really pleased with that, it's 2.5 hours more than I did the previous weeks! Weigh in tomorrow, hoping that I've done ok this week - I've only gone 2pps over! Please be a good one!!!


2 x Belvita Biscuits 3pp

Stroganoff, Rice & Peas 13pp

Korma & Rice 14pp

2x pink wafers 3pp
4x rye bread 4pp
49g RF pate 2pp

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Day 3 of the shred done! It's getting easier yayy!!

Will update food diary later as Im going out now so not sure how the day will end
Well done on the weight loss! The 30 day shred has really helped tone me up and it does get easier thank god lol x

Korma & rice 11pp

Chicken, BBQ sauce, 20g cheese, 100g potato, 100g peas 13pp

1/2 Large cinema popcorn 12pp

Ham sandwich 6pp
