Wii EA active or Wii fit log (daily)

Whats the difference between Wii active and wii fit? IS Wii active like a training programme?

I love Wii fit and i just bought a boxing game which i am dying to try out as i love the boxing. Been really not well tho so haven't had the energy to do it!:-(

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EA Sports Active: Personal Trainer (Wii):
Amazon.co.uk: PC & Video Games

You can chose what level you do, cancel any exercises you can't do. It's just like being at the gym really. I'm sweating by the end of the warm up and pouring by the end! I'm on the "easy" 30 day challenge! It only takes about 20 mins, but if you're not used to exercising you'll feel muscles you never knew you had! I'm loving it!
I'm just doing the wii fit atm - haven't been on it for ages, so when i got on the other day it told me I'd lost 1 stone and 6lbs since last time *woohoo* lol
What a boost! I'd love to see your graph!

Did 30 mins free step this afternoon watching the rain thro the window!
Well i was total amusement for my kiddies tonight bouncing away to jump squats :cry: they said my áss was wiggling and bouncing all over place as well as my boobies bouncing of on me top belly lolol. And not only did i have to do it once THEY MADE ME DO IT AGAIN NEAR THE END and they were giggling to their hearts content (little gets).

Anyways im totally knackered and i thought the twanging thing was gonna twang when she told me to hold the elastic above my head and i was screaming doing it hehe, but they estimated 106.8 i did 117.1 so wooohoooo. :party0049:

I was wondering why my shoulders are hurting yesterday and today, its this damn active and i thought something wrong with me hehehe.

Wow wtg jester i wish my wii fit was so nice to me, everytime i get on it, its you havent made your target yet and i feel like throwing outta window :D

And wow look at you go judi :happy096::girlpower:, I find wii fit boring but maybe cos i dont hardly go on it so thats my next mission, is when im on rest day get hula hooping and stuff for half hour then no rest day

YEAH GOOO US :bliss::banana dancer:

oh btw my 6 year old who got autism is bloody good at the wii fit and active puts me to shame :rolleyes:
brilliant, thanks for the links Judi, i will have a look at them tomorrow whilst i'm at work ;-) naughty!

My wii fit is a bit broken, having been at SW and weighed in, i know exactly how much i weigh but the Wii fit pegs me at at least 1/2 stone lighter than i am lol!

i love my wii fit though, it is brill!
I ignore what the wii tells me about my weight actually, it told me I'd lost 2lbs in a day the other day - as if!

Am I allowed to post in this thread if I haven't got wii active?

Did 1/2 hour in the wii fit yesterday...the hola hooping nearly killed me (I did the hola plus for 6 mins)
Can I join in please...? :D

Yesterday - I done 25 mins on Active, I aimed for 120.9 calories and I actually done 125 :D

Another bash later me'thinks! x
yeah anyone can join, more the merrier

AND MRS/MISS JUDI WHERE IS YOUR REPORT TODAY HAHAHA, now dont slip, im actually on rest day as its wi later

good luck all
Hi iv got a wii and have been thinking about buying a wii fit.is it good.im at uni and do have the uni gym i can go to.but its about ten mins away on bus so costs money and so i dont often go.
is the wii active different to the fit??
it sounds like you are having fun so i thought i would ask your advice?
Sorry Sarge! OH was hogging the PC.

Day 7

Concentrating on,,,,,,,? Yes you've guessed it LUNGES! Actually I don't hate them any more! (is this me really talking?) I seem to be able to balance much better than last week. More tennis (I'm cr*p) volleyball!(cr*p but I like it!) Shoulder presses and had alot of problems with the programme sticking on the bicep curls. 3 runs and did 121 cals.
THEN ! I made myself up a workout of all the boxing, only takes ?6 mins but that was another 49 cals, tho my arms were all uneccessary by the end! Great fun tho.
THEN! I did 20 mins of musclework and yoga on Wiifit!

Halo polished!:p

Today is a rest day but I finish work at lunchtime and I've a mind to try the 20 min preset workout! (well that's the plan!)
OK troops! Where are you all?

Official rest day! BUT! I did the first pre-set workout on the list. 20 mins it said! 24 actually! Must be a bit slow! But burnt 146 cals! So I'm more than pleased. Joints are moving better, I can breathe deeper, I can run for longer without feeling I need to call the paramedics! It must be working!:rolleyes:
Just noticed that the thread title includes wii fit users *duh*

We bought a My Fitness Coach - Cardio, today. I'm tired already and we haven't taken it out of it's box yet lol
Ooooh! Do let us know what you think of it when you've done it! There aren't many reviews on Amazon or Play. It'll be good to have an unbiased view.
Well I started EA Active today with the 30 day challenge and OMG it killed me.
I set up my little fat profile and it set my challenge.
I had to burn 169 cals I actually did 175 so that was good.
I found it really fun and looking forward to doing it tomorrow but jogging really hurts am I doing it wrong. Lol
Also I said when I started SW I was aiming for Bronze Body magic which I must have got from walking but my counsellor never mentioned it so never chased this up.
Is the 30 day challenge going to get me silver body magic?
Just wait till you try coming down stairs tomorrow! Your thighs will be killing you! But it's a good pain! It means it's working and by the time you've done day 4 it's a thing of the past! No , the running is hard! But I'm on day 8 and it's really getting easier and no longer find myself doubled up gasping for breath! Well I may be gasping but I don't feel as if my heart is going to give out! Just make sure you have good trainers. What hurts?

Badger your leader re the bronze body magic award! And yes if you're doing an hour and a half a week then yes you'll get your silver in 4 weeks just add in a bit more exercise, the easy cardio on the preset bit burns 140 cals plus and will take you over the limit.(it just as much fun too) I do wiifit yoga and other stuff 2 or 3 times a week so in another 8 weeks I'll get my gold.
I was gasping at first! But you'll be surprised at how quickly you improve!

Just done day 9 and a workout I did for my arms. Then I took a good look at the preset workouts and I could have saved myself the bother!

BUT if you want to know whats coming next day, go to the preset workouts and scroll down and you will eventually come to them! Day 10 is only 90 cals! May have to up the level to medium!
OMG everything really aches today.
Haven't tried day 2 yet I am going to do it in a minute but how can everything ache this much.
Can barely move lol.

lolol sorry for laughing but i no how you feel, im doing my ironing first then after dinner hitting wii active and fit later, so good luck and just take your time, at least its a rest day tomoz:D