Will 1 bag of crisps....

.... kick me out of ketosis and set me back big time? I'm at that hormonal time and have stuck to it perfectly for 4 days and then i've just cracked and had a bag. I know it was probably the worse thing I could have done :(
Hi jennebel, and I am doing the lipotrim and we are not allowed anything other than the shakes and the whole point is so our brains go into ketosis and that's how the weight starts to burn fat from our fat stores, so im pretty sure you probably set the ketosis back but don't worry too much, when your feeling really peckish come on here. I am on day three and menstral also and im bloody starving and that's why we have this post when our enthusiasm is low we come on here and rant lol just to keep our minds off food , but its all phychological as soon as somebody says diet , I am constantly thinking about food, and don't beat yourself up about it , get back into the mode and start again , good luck in your journey, there will be bumpy roads sometimes but you will eventually get to your goal .
It's not ideal but it's unlikely to kick you out of ketosis Jennebel. If you look at the contents of a bag it'll be 15-20g carbs (similar to a shake) but a lot less protein and probably a bit more fat. It's the carbs as well as the calories you have to take into account when you're on a ketogenic diet, so if you absolutely MUST eat something then grab a slice of ham or a tiny piece of chicken breast. And make sure you get your three exante meals a day to get all your vitamins and minerals. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up about it - stay positive, we're all here to keep each other going! Onwards and downwards! :D
I know - I think the combo of 'hormones' and the weekend (had to sit through a pre arranged family meal yesterday sipping on sparkling water whilst they filled their boots around me) just got to me. I am finding it hard to stomach the meals, but don't mind the porridge or shakes. I've only tried the thai chicken soup so far, which was ok as well. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, and just get on with it. I got myself in this situation and only I can resolve it.
Good woman - that's the spirit. And OMG sitting through a communal meal where everyone else is stuffing themselves is a total nightmare. Good on you for only having a bag of crisps! The only way I can get through that sort of situation is a big bowl of soup right before I walk out the door. And even then it's torture! Did you manage 100% today then? It really is sooooo hard at the start - in another week or two you'll be flying. :D
Apart from a slice of wafer thin chicken ive been back on. Having my supper shake now. Checked this morn and I was def in ketosis but checked a min ago and think im back to a trace. Bah!!!
Ditch those sticks Jennebel - they mess with your mind! Very inaccurate. If you're doing TS then you're in ketosis and just go by the scales. Well done you for sticking to the diet today. :D
Hi Jennebel,

Don't be too disheartened! If you were anything like me before Exante - on a 'normal' diet if ate a packet of crisps i'd think ' oh well I've already had crisps so I might as well just have [insert binge food here!]...i'll start again tomorrow'.
But you know yourself it wasn't the best thing to eat, and the fact that you sat through a family meal and only had sparkling water shows that you can do this :) It's just bloody hormones that don't help!

Don't let it get to you - in the wise words of the Lion King 'it is in the past!'

But a tip if your not keen on the meals, and if you do like crisps - the soups can actually be turned into pretty nice crisps! I know it's not 100% recommended to microwave the soups but sometimes its nice to have something with a bit of crunch! My favourite is the thai chilli soup, mixed with a little bit of water to create a paste, spread it over a sheet of greaseproof paper about 1/2 a CM thick, then microwave for 10-20 second intervals until it starts to crisp up. Leave it to cool then break into portions. Is nice to have something to crunch on too! Takes a little bit to get it perfect, but once you've got it down it comes in so handy! If I know i'm going to be somewhere where whipping out a soup shaker might be a bit awkward I make the crisps in the morning and take them with me :)

Also with the shakes - I always add a sweetener. Someone recommended it to me when I first started and it does make a huge difference to the taste! Also having them hot or adding a bit of coffee changes the taste.

Hope this helps! Good luck :)

H x