Will we really get skinny?

I really can't imagine being completely thin, can it happen?

YES! I haven't been there since I was 17, but I'm on my way there again now. Just because you don't know a place, doesn't mean you can't visit it, or even emigrate! Thinland, here I come!
im strugging to envisage myself slim, and i cant imagine my body being smaller, but i am struggling to get my self into the right frame of mind to help me get there, but i would love a slim back, belly and arms, my legs are not too bad
But even then I was still a bit fat. I really can't imagine being completely thin, can it happen?

hun, you may never have a body like Cindy Crawford, but there are so many people showing you just how possible it is!
You need to have some faith hun, faith in the diet and faith in yourself!
I know i have all the skin etc and that its an issue, but with clothes on, size 10 clothes, i look fabulous! NEVER thought i would get here!
Let your weight loss and inch loss tell the tale hun, and just go along for the ride! :D
This thread is really inspiring to read all of your demons!... when my CDC asked me what my goal was... i just said anything below 12 stone... as i cant remember ever being lower than that....

Talking to my friend who is a size 12 last night... and she is 11stone, and says she finds it so hard to get to 10stone.. and that if im wanting a goal it should be that... as she still has major body hangups... (even thou she is a twig!) will see when im nearer :)

How exciting!...

All of it please!! I am tall and have stayed in proportion as each stone went on. I went from 12/14 slim, to size 20 bulky. My weight has made me look and feel old. Just want to recognise the old me again when I look in the mirror, albeit a few years more mature!!