Working Solution: it's going to work for me :0)

Well done you x ill be moving onto ws on monday after doing 4 wks if ts. Its something to look forward to. Enjoyed reading your thread look forward to more
Thanks treens. I try and post everyday, it really prevents me failing off the wagon.
I think I'm definitely in the right place to do it this time.
And I'm saving a fortune not spending my money on work lunches.

Hope you find that working solutions works for you, you'll be surprised at how fulling a 400cal meal can be ;0)

You are doing great, it's lovely to read your posts :) they keep me motivated, thank you.

Hope you have a great weekend

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Thanks Gill and Mamakash for your lovely comments.

Will do another update later. Going to the cinema first and trying to circumnavigate the popcorn :)

Thought I'd do my diary before I go to the cinema.

Before breakfast I managed to do 20mins of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.

I had a celeb slim caramel shake for breakfast, popped into town to do som food shopping, so took a caramel celeb slim bar with me for lunch, so I wouldn't be tempted to eat out and ruin all of the effort I've put in.

Had a cup of red bush tea in eat and manages to avoid that chai latte, which I'm quite chuffed about.

Have had turkey and prawn stir fry for dinner, which was really nice and I'm off to the cinema in a bit. Might take a exante cereal bar with me to make sure I won't get tempted by the popcorn.

All in all including the cinema trip, think I've walked for at least 2.5 hours as well.

Really getting into this losing weight,meeting healthily and getting my ass of the sofa malarky, I'll be back to slim D before you know it.

Laters everyone :)

Hi All,

Diary for Sunday.

Had a bit of a lie in today so didn't get up until ten to ten.

Had a celeb slim shake for breakfast, roast beef and veggies for Sunday lunch, managed to sidestep the potatoes and Yorkshire pudding, I didn't find it that difficult to be honest, I think now that I have laid of the heavy carbs for a while, the I don't crave them any more.

Going to the cinema again to night so I'm going to take a bar with me and probably have an exante shake before I go out.

Have done a bit of walking today, and have now set up the cross trainer, exercise bike and vibration plate in the spare room, so I have a mini gym close at hand, now there are no excuses for not exercising.

Hope you are all doing well.


Well, it's Monday and I'm nearly at the end of another successful day.

Had the usual Celeb Slim shake for breakfast, bar as a snack and exante shake for lunch, with a cheeky Diet Pepsi this afternoon.

I've also consumed about three cups of tea with skimmed milk and sweeteners.

Did the usual hours brisk walk to and from the train station and am going to try and fit in 20mins shred and 30mins on the cross-trainer.

For dinner is Pork chops, with roast celeriac and swede, curly kale, courgettes and maybe a bit of gravy.

That should take me to about 1100cals for the day.

Hope everyone else is okay

Day thirteen and I'm finding it difficult today.

Thought I'd post on here to take my mind off it.

Must remember the urge to be slimmer is greater than the urge to stuff my face with rubbish.

Okay, think I may be alright.

Catchup with you all later.

Found yesterday a bit of a toughie.

Had shake and bar in morning, shake for lunch and homemade beef burger with cheese and veg for dinner.

Also several cups of tea and a couple of cans of pepsi max.

Managed to avoid the heavy carbs though, so I'm chuffed about that.

Did usual walk to and from train station, but that was it exercise-wise.

Anyhow, catchup later.

Forgot to do diary yesterday. Oh well, I'll just do todays.

Had bar for breakfast, shakes in the afternoon.

Cheated a bit today and also had a yogurt.

For dinner is salmon and fennel frittata and I'm going to try and do a bit of 30 day shred.

Hope everyone is okay.

Completely fell off the wagon yesterday.

Had shake and bar, veggie burger and chips for lunch, then for dinner takeaway pizza and fries.

However only put a couple of lbs back on, so not too much of a disaster.

Managed to do the hour walking yesterday and about 45 mins on my kettlercise dvd, so it wasn't a complete washout.

Today so far I have managed the full body workout on kettlercise and had a shake for breakfast.

I've decided on valentines day I'm having a day off exante and straight back on it then.

Anyways, hope you are all doing well.

In a bit.

Have fallen off the diet wagon, but managed to cling to the exercise wagon.

Have decided to have a couple of days off the diet.

However, I am back on properly starting tomorrow.