WTF is wrong with me?!

I don't know if my mind remembers the last time I did CD because the day I decide this is it I am CDing again the urge to eat anything and everything becomes overwhelming, I even eat things I don't like.
It makes me feel such a failure that I cannot control my eating. Like others I am an all or nothing person.

You sound so much like me. I had a couple of weeks off after stopping W8 and starting CD and I ate everything I could lay my hands on, even things I did not usually eat.

The night before I started CD I was looking in the fridge to see what else I could eat - just for the sake of it because I was starting the next morning.

Don't feel like a failure - there are more people who feel like that than you imagine. We are not really failures as we are doing something about it, even if we do do it slowly and fall off the wagon a few times.

Good luck
You're not alone. I've just beat myself up for failing at Day 5 and stuffing my face, but like everyone says, it's hard. This is a journey and we will get there. Maybe with a wrong turn, but we'll find the right road again.
I read an article lately about a girl in NY who did a "motivation board" for herself and having this hanging in her house for her nearest and dearest to see pushed her to stay on track. It's basically like a mood board with all the things that you would like to do, be and aspire to. For example, she had a picture of Tyra Banks, different outfits including shoes and bags, a picture of a holiday and that sort of thing. So looking at that daily made her feel as though she had to push through to get to those things she wanted. The other thing that my friend has, is a "fat" picture of herself on the fridge door and in the cutlery drawer, so when she goes for the fridge, she sees the picture and it stops her. I think I'm going to try the motivation board and start putting it together tonight. Good luck - you can do it - and so can we all! xx
Like the idea of the motivation board MsV. For some reason I have been popping on a nice piece of jewellery (I have been collecting Lola Rose) in the evenings at home -usually when I am wearing my nightie! - it seems to help me look forward to when I will be slim and dressing up in clothes and accessories that will make me look and feel great.